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Solar System Project 🪐

This Project shows the Solar System Planets and cards with information of missions sent from Earth to explore the other planets.

First commit: on Apr 6, 2022.

Here I had to exercise: the usage of JSX in React, create class components in React, use props correctly and use PropTypes, as well as HTML and CSS.

This was my first front-end JavaScript Project, as part of my school Trybe requirements to move forward.

This project is uploaded at, where you can see it without installing and starting it.

Project Image

How to run it:

You need to have installed:
- An Internet Browser

command: npm install
command: npm start

Open front-end on http://localhost:3000

Files/Folders Ownership

Here you find a list of files and or folders according to the ownership.

🙋‍♀️ I coded myself:
  components/ (except css/PlanetCard.css)
🧑‍🤝‍🧑 I coded partially:
   App.js -> the scholl has coded some of it
       PlanetCard.css -> help of same project coded by my classmate Talita Afonso, thanks! 🙏
🏫 coded by the school:
 all others not mentioned before.

✨ all icons used here are from: EmojiPedia.

🚧 README under construction 🚧