Introducing Hypnotiq 2.0, an innovative music player mobile application that empowers users to curate, modify, and remove music playlists effortlessly. Seamlessly loading music from local device storage, this mobile app also offers audio streaming capabilities designed to enhance sleep and study patterns. By leveraging technologies such as Javascript, React, CSS, Firebase, and Cloud Firestore, this music player delivers flawless audio playback and grants users complete control over their musical journey, while also providing secure authentication functionalities such as secure login, secure registration, and secure email password recovery to ensure data privacy, protection, and recovery.
- @expo/webpack-config (v0.17.0) for configuring webpack in Expo projects
- @react-native-async-storage/async-storage (v1.17.3) for asynchronous storage in React Native apps
- @react-native-community/masked-view (v0.1.11) for creating masked views in React Native
- @react-native-community/slider (v4.2.3) for implementing slider components in React Native
- @react-navigation/bottom-tabs (v6.3.3) for creating bottom tab navigation in React Navigation
- @react-navigation/material-bottom-tabs (v6.2.3) for material design bottom tab navigation in React Navigation
- @react-navigation/native (v6.0.12) for navigation routing and handling in React Native apps
- @react-navigation/native-stack (v6.8.0) for stack-based navigation in React Navigation
- expo (v46.0.9) for building and developing Expo projects
- expo-av (v12.0.4) for accessing audio and video functionality in Expo apps
- expo-checkbox (v2.2.0) for implementing checkbox components in Expo projects
- expo-font (v11.0.1) for loading and using custom fonts in Expo apps
- expo-media-library (v14.2.0) for accessing media files and albums in Expo apps
- expo-splash-screen (v0.16.2) for configuring and customizing splash screens in Expo projects
- expo-status-bar (v1.4.0) for managing the status bar in Expo apps
- expo-updates (v0.14.7) for handling over-the-air updates in Expo projects
- react (v18.0.0) for building user interfaces in JavaScript
- react-dom (v18.0.0) for rendering React components in the DOM (web applications)
- react-native (v0.69.6) for building native mobile apps using React
- react-native-dropdown-picker (v5.4.2) for creating dropdown picker components in React Native
- react-native-gesture-handler (v2.5.0) for gesture handling and touch interactions in React Native
- react-native-reanimated (v2.9.1) for creating smooth and interactive animations in React Native
- react-native-safe-area-context (v4.3.1) for handling safe area insets in React Native apps
- react-native-screens (v3.15.0) for managing screens and navigation in React Native
- react-native-simple-radio-button (v2.7.4) for implementing radio button components in React Native
- react-native-tab-view (v3.1.1) for creating tab-based navigation in React Native apps
- react-native-web (v0.18.7) for building web applications using React Native components
- recyclerlistview (v4.2.0) for efficiently rendering large lists in React Native apps
- firebase (v9.12.1) for integrating Firebase services in the backend
- @babel/core (v7.12.9) for JavaScript transpilation and transformation in development
- Local music playback
- Stream audio from firebase
- Audio playback managed by context API
- Bottom tab navigation
- Stack navigation
- Display a splash screen
- Editable playlists
- Persistent playlists
I strive to ensure highly accessible app experiences. The following accessibility options have been implemented:
- Color contrast
- Keyboard accessibility
- Consistent/intuitive navigation
- Proper form labels and input validation
- Minimal blinking/flashing content
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