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Signed-off-by: Clemens Vasters <>
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clemensv committed Feb 21, 2024
1 parent 65f30fc commit ae58236
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Showing 7 changed files with 992 additions and 751 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -74,7 +74,6 @@ Conversion issues:
validation as JSON Schema.
* Very large schemas with many cross references (`$ref`) throughout the schema may
have circular references that cannot be fully resolved in Avro Schema.
* Schemas with top-level 'allOf', 'anyOf', 'oneOf' keywords are not supported.
* JSON type unions as well as `allOf`, `anyOf`, and `oneOf` expressions that are
shared and referenced by a `$ref` expression are mapped to a record type in
Avro with a field `value` of the type union.
Expand Down
207 changes: 167 additions & 40 deletions avrotize/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,8 +1,26 @@
import copy
import json
import argparse
import os
import typing

indent = ' '

Comment = typing.NamedTuple('Comment', [('content', str), ('tags', typing.Dict[str, typing.Any])])
Oneof = typing.NamedTuple('Oneof', [('comment', 'Comment'), ('name', str), ('fields', typing.List['Field'])])
Field = typing.NamedTuple('Field', [('comment', 'Comment'), ('label', str), ('type', str), ('key_type', str), ('val_type', str), ('name', str), ('number', int)])
Enum = typing.NamedTuple('Enum', [('comment', 'Comment'), ('name', str), ('fields', typing.Dict[str, 'Field'])])
Message = typing.NamedTuple('Message', [('comment', 'Comment'), ('name', str), ('fields', typing.List['Field']), ('oneofs', typing.List['Oneof']),
('messages', typing.Dict[str, 'Message']), ('enums', typing.Dict[str, 'Enum'])])
Service = typing.NamedTuple('Service', [('name', str), ('functions', typing.Dict[str, 'RpcFunc'])])
RpcFunc = typing.NamedTuple('RpcFunc', [('name', str), ('in_type', str), ('out_type', str), ('uri', str)])
ProtoFile = typing.NamedTuple('ProtoFile',
[('messages', typing.Dict[str, 'Message']), ('enums', typing.Dict[str, 'Enum']),
('services', typing.Dict[str, 'Service']), ('imports', typing.List[str]),
('options', typing.Dict[str, str]), ('package', str)])
ProtoFiles = typing.NamedTuple('ProtoFiles', [('files', typing.List['ProtoFile'])])

def avro_primitive_to_proto_type(avro_type):
"""Map Avro primitive types to Protobuf types."""
mapping = {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -35,75 +53,184 @@ def avro_primitive_to_proto_type(avro_type):

return mapping.get(avro_type, avro_type) # Default to string for unmapped types

def convert_field(avro_field, index):
def convert_field(message: Message, avro_field: dict, index: int, proto_files: ProtoFiles) -> Field | Oneof | Enum:
"""Convert an Avro field to a Protobuf field."""
field_type = avro_field['type']
comment = ''
field_name = avro_field['name'] if 'name' in avro_field else field_type.split('.')[-1]+'Value' if isinstance(field_type, str) else f"{index}Value"
if 'doc' in avro_field:
comment = f' // {avro_field["doc"]}\n{indent}'
comment = Comment(avro_field["doc"], {})
comment = Comment('',{})

return convert_field_type(message, field_name, field_type, comment, index, proto_files)

def convert_record_type(avro_record: dict, comment: Comment, proto_files: ProtoFiles) -> Message:
local_message = Message(comment, avro_record['name'], [], [], {}, {})
for i, f in enumerate(avro_record['fields']):
field = convert_field(local_message, f, i+1, proto_files)
if isinstance(field, Oneof):
elif isinstance(field, Enum):
enum = Enum(field.comment,"_enum", field.fields)
local_message.enums[] = enum
local_message.fields.append(Field(field.comment, '',, '', '','.')[-1], i+1))
elif isinstance(field, Message):
inner_message = Message(field.comment,"_type", field.fields, field.oneofs, field.messages, field.enums)
local_message.messages[] = inner_message
local_message.fields.append(Field(field.comment, '',, '', '','.')[-1], i+1))
return local_message

def convert_field_type(message: Message, field_name: str, field_type: str | dict | list, comment: Comment, index: int, proto_files: ProtoFiles) -> Field | Oneof | Enum:
"""Convert an Avro field type to a Protobuf field type."""
label = ''
if isinstance(field_type, list) and 'null' in field_type:
label = 'optional '

if isinstance(field_type, list):
# Handling union types (including nullable fields)
non_null_types = [t for t in field_type if t != 'null']
if len(non_null_types) == 1:
label = 'optional'
field_type = non_null_types[0]
elif len(non_null_types) > 0:
oneof_fields = []
for i, t in enumerate(non_null_types):
field = convert_field_type(message, field_name, t, comment, i+1, proto_files)
if isinstance(field, Field):
field = Field(field.comment, field.label, field.type, field.key_type, field.val_type, field.type.split('.')[-1], i+1)
elif isinstance(field, Oneof):
local_message = Message(comment,, [], [], {}, {})
message.messages[] = local_message
field = Field(field.comment, '',, '', '','.')[-1], i+1)
elif isinstance(field, Enum):
enum = Enum(field.comment,"_enum", field.fields)
message.enums[] = enum
field = Field(field.comment, '',, '', '','.')[-1], i+1)
elif isinstance(field, Message):
local_message = Message(field.comment,"_type", field.fields, field.oneofs, field.messages, field.enums)
message.messages[] = local_message
field = Field(field.comment, '',, '', '','.')[-1], i+1)
oneof = Oneof(comment, field_name, copy.deepcopy(oneof_fields))
return oneof
# More complex unions may require manual handling or decisions
field_type = 'string' # Simplification for example purposes
raise ValueError(f"Field {field_name} is a union type without any non-null types")

if isinstance(field_type, dict):
# Nested types (e.g., records, enums) require special handling
if field_type['type'] == 'record':
return f'{indent}{comment}{label}message {field_type["name"]} {{\n' + "\n".join([convert_field(f, i+1) for i, f in enumerate(field_type['fields'])]) + '\n}\n'
return convert_record_type(field_type, comment, proto_files)
elif field_type['type'] == 'enum':
return f'{indent}{comment}{label}enum {field_type["name"]} {{\n' + "\n".join([f' {symbol} = {i};' for i, symbol in enumerate(field_type['symbols'])]) + '\n}\n'
return Enum(comment, field_type['name'], {symbol: i for i, symbol in enumerate(field_type['symbols'])})
elif field_type['type'] == 'array':
item_type = avro_primitive_to_proto_type(field_type['items'])
return f'{indent}{comment}{label}repeated {item_type} {avro_field["name"]} = {index};'
return convert_field_type(message, field_name, field_type['items'], comment, 1, proto_files)
elif field_type['type'] == 'map':
value_type = avro_primitive_to_proto_type(field_type['values'])
return f'{indent}{comment}{label}map<string, {value_type}> {avro_field["name"]} = {index};'

return convert_field_type(message, field_name, field_type['values'], 1, comment, proto_files)
elif field_type['type'] == "fixed":
return Field(comment, label, 'fixed','string', 'string', field_name, index)
proto_type = avro_primitive_to_proto_type(field_type['type'])
return Field(comment, label, proto_type, '', '', field_name, index)
proto_type = avro_primitive_to_proto_type(field_type)
return f'{indent}{comment}{label}{proto_type} {avro_field["name"]} = {index};'
return Field(comment, label, proto_type, '', '', field_name, index)

def avro_schema_to_proto_messages(avro_schema_input):
def avro_schema_to_proto_message(avro_schema: dict, proto_files: ProtoFiles) -> str:
comment = Comment('',{})
if 'doc' in avro_schema:
comment = Comment(avro_schema["doc"], {})
if avro_schema['type'] == 'record':
message = convert_record_type(avro_schema, comment, proto_files)
file = next((f for f in proto_files.files if f.package == avro_schema["namespace"]), None)
if not file:
file = ProtoFile({}, {}, {}, [], {}, avro_schema["namespace"])
file.messages[] = message
elif avro_schema['type'] == 'enum':
enum_name = avro_schema['name']
enum = Enum(comment, enum_name, {symbol: i for i, symbol in enumerate(avro_schema['symbols'])})
file = next((f for f in proto_files.files if f.package == avro_schema["namespace"]), None)
if not file:
file = ProtoFile({}, {}, {}, [], {}, avro_schema["namespace"])
file.enums[enum_name] = enum
return avro_schema["name"]

def avro_schema_to_proto_messages(avro_schema_input, proto_files: ProtoFiles):
"""Convert an Avro schema to Protobuf message definitions."""
if not isinstance(avro_schema_input, list):
avro_schema_list = [avro_schema_input]
avro_schema_list = avro_schema_input

proto_messages = []
avro_schema_list = avro_schema_input
for avro_schema in avro_schema_list:
comment = ''
if 'doc' in avro_schema:
comment = f'// {avro_schema["doc"]}\n'
if avro_schema['type'] == 'record':
message_name = avro_schema['name']
proto_fields = [convert_field(field, i+1) for i, field in enumerate(avro_schema['fields'])]
proto_messages.append(f'{comment}message {message_name} {{\n' + "\n".join(proto_fields) + '\n}')
elif avro_schema['type'] == 'enum':
enum_name = avro_schema['name']
enum_values = "\n".join([f' {symbol} = {i};' for i, symbol in enumerate(avro_schema['symbols'])])
proto_messages.append(f'{comment}enum {enum_name} {{\n' + enum_values + '\n}')
elif avro_schema['type'] == 'array':
item_type = avro_primitive_to_proto_type(avro_schema['items'])
proto_messages.append(f'{comment}repeated {item_type} {avro_schema["name"]} = 1;')
elif avro_schema['type'] == 'map':
value_type = avro_primitive_to_proto_type(avro_schema['values'])
proto_messages.append(f'{comment}map<string, {value_type}> {avro_schema["name"]} = 1;')
return "\n".join(proto_messages)
avro_schema_to_proto_message(avro_schema, proto_files)

def save_proto_to_file(proto_files: ProtoFiles, proto_path):
"""Save the Protobuf schema to a file."""
for proto in proto_files.files:

proto.imports.extend([f.package[len(proto.package)+1:] for f in proto_files.files if f.package.startswith(proto.package) and f.package != proto.package])
proto_file_path = os.path.join(proto_path, f"{proto.package}.proto")
# create the directory for the proto file if it doesn't exist
proto_dir = os.path.dirname(proto_file_path)
if not os.path.exists(proto_dir):
with open(proto_file_path, 'w') as proto_file:
# dump the ProtoFile structure in proto syntax
proto_str = f'syntax = "proto3";\n\n'
proto_str += f'package {proto.package};\n\n'

for import_package in proto.imports:
proto_str += f"import \"{proto.package}.{import_package}.proto\";\n"
if (len(proto.imports)):
proto_str += "\n"
for enum in proto.enums.values():
proto_str += f"enum {} {{\n"
for field_name, val in enum.fields.items():
proto_str += f"{indent}{field_name} = {val};\n"
proto_str += "}\n\n"
for message in proto.messages.values():
proto_str += render_message(message)
for service in
proto_str += f"service {} {{\n"
for function_name, func in service.functions.items():
proto_str += f"{indent}rpc {} ({func.in_type}) returns ({func.out_type}) {{\n"
proto_str += f"{indent}{indent}option (google.api.http) = {{\n"
proto_str += f"{indent}{indent}{indent}post: \"{func.uri}\"\n"
proto_str += f"{indent}{indent}}};\n"
proto_str += f"{indent}}};\n"
proto_str += "}\n\n"

def render_message(message, level=0) -> str:
proto_str = f"{indent*level}message {} {{\n"
for field in message.fields:
proto_str += f"{indent*level}{indent}{field.type} {} = {field.number};\n"
for oneof in message.oneofs:
proto_str += f"{indent*level}{indent}oneof {} {{\n"
for field in oneof.fields:
proto_str += f"{indent*level}{indent}{indent}{field.type} {} = {field.number};\n"
proto_str += f"{indent*level}{indent}}}\n"
for enum in message.enums.values():
proto_str += f"{indent*level}{indent}enum {} {{\n"
for field_name, val in enum.fields.items():
proto_str += f"{indent*level}{indent}{indent}{field_name} = {val};\n"
proto_str += f"{indent*level}{indent}}}\n"
for local_message in message.messages.values():
proto_str += render_message(local_message, level+1)
proto_str += f"{indent*level}}}\n\n"
return proto_str

def convert_avro_to_proto(avro_schema_path, proto_file_path):
"""Convert Avro schema file to Protobuf .proto file."""
with open(avro_schema_path, 'r') as avro_file:
avro_schema = json.load(avro_file)
proto_schema = 'syntax = "proto3";\n\n' + avro_schema_to_proto_messages(avro_schema)
with open(proto_file_path, 'w') as proto_file:
proto_files = ProtoFiles([])
avro_schema_to_proto_messages(avro_schema, proto_files)
save_proto_to_file(proto_files, proto_file_path)


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