Android Lock Pattern Crack originally made for a CTF
$ git clone
$ python3 ./gesture.key.sample
[i] Looking for key b21e9299bc501c403717d4c950954468a496c1ef...
trying length 3 patterns... nothing
trying length 4 patterns... nothing
trying length 5 patterns... nothing
trying length 6 patterns... nothing
trying length 7 patterns... nothing
trying length 8 patterns...
[!] GESTURE FOUND!!! 04137658
Follow these steps to unlock the phone:
| 1 | 3 | |
| 4 | 2 | 7 |
| 6 | 5 | 8 |
[i] Time: 1.0687787532806396s
- Phack CTF for the challenge
- sch3m4 for the "steps to follow" idea