title | author | date | output | ||||||
Baur |
KMicha71 |
2 8 2019 |
Monthly Temperature data of Central Europe (~Germany) as taken from https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zeitreihe_der_Lufttemperatur_in_Deutschland#Messwerte_in_Dekaden
python3 ./source/yearly_monthly.py
tBaur <- read.csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/climdata/baur/master/raw/baur_monthly.csv", sep=",")
tBaurAll <- tBaur[, c("year","month","ts","time","temperature")]
tBaurAll$ts <- signif(tBaurAll$year + (tBaurAll$month-0.5)/12, digits=6)
tDwd <- read.csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/climdata/dwdTemperature/master/csv/monthly_temperature_de.csv", sep=",", na = "NA")
tDwd$ts <- signif(tDwd$year + (tDwd$month-0.5)/12, digits=6)
tBaurOld <- subset(tBaurAll, tBaurAll$ts<min(tDwd$ts))
tDwdGer <- tDwd[, c("year","month","ts","time","Deutschland")]
names(tDwdGer)[names(tDwdGer) == 'Deutschland'] <- 'temperature'
tAll <- rbind(tBaurOld, tDwdGer)
tAll <- tAll[order(tAll$ts),]
write.table(tAll, file = "csv/baur_monthly.csv", append = FALSE, quote = TRUE, sep = ",",
eol = "\n", na = "NA", dec = ".", row.names = FALSE,
col.names = TRUE, qmethod = "escape", fileEncoding = "UTF-8")
## Loading required package: ggplot2
color.temperature <- c("#0000FF", "#00CCCC", "#FFFFFF", "#EEAA33", "#FF5555")
py <- read.csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/climdata/baur/master/csv/baur_monthly.csv", sep=",")
py2 <- subset(py, !is.na(py$temperature))
mp <- ggplot(py2, aes(year, month))
mp + geom_raster(aes(fill=temperature))+
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = '#EEEEEE', colour = 'white'), legend.position="right", text=element_text(size=14))+
mp <- ggplot()
jan <- subset(py2, py2$month == 1)
jul <- subset(py2, py2$month == 7)
mp + geom_line(aes(y=jan$temperature, x=jan$year), color="blue") +
geom_line(aes(y=jul$temperature, x=jul$year), color="red")
mp <- ggplot()
mp + geom_line(aes(y=py2$temperature, x=py2$ts))
py7<- fft(py2$temperature, inverse = FALSE)
border1 <- mean(Mod(py7)) + 1*sd(Mod(py7))
border2 <- 0.3*sd(Mod(py7))
py8 <- py7
py8 <- replace(py8, Mod(py8)>border1, 0.0)
#py8 <- replace(py8, Mod(py8)<border2, 0.0)
py8[0:2] <- py7[0:2]
py8[(length(py8) - 3):length(py8)] <- py7[(length(py7) - 3):length(py7)]
#py8[10:14] <- 0.0
#py8[(length(py8) - 14):length(py8)-10] <- 0.0
py8[520:(length(py8) - 520)] <- 0.0
#py8[260:(length(py8)-260)] <- 0.0
py8[130:(length(py8)-130)] <- 0.0
py9 <- py2
py9$temperature <- Mod(fft(py8, inverse = TRUE))/length(py8)
py9 <- subset(py9, py9$year >= 1752)
mp <- ggplot()
mp + geom_line(aes(y=py9$temperature, x=py9$ts))
plot.data <- cbind(0:(length(py7)-1), Mod(py7))
# TODO: why this scaling is necessary?
plot.data[2:length(py7),2] <- 2*plot.data[2:length(py7),2]
plot(plot.data, t="h", lwd=2, main="",
xlab="Frequency (Hz)", ylab="Strength",
xlim=c(0,length(py7)), ylim=c(0,max(Mod(plot.data[,2]))))
py7 <- py8
plot.data <- cbind(0:(length(py7)-1), Mod(py7))
# TODO: why this scaling is necessary?
plot.data[2:length(py7),2] <- 2*plot.data[2:length(py7),2]
plot(plot.data, t="h", lwd=2, main="",
xlab="Frequency (Hz)", ylab="Strength",
xlim=c(0,500), ylim=c(0,5000))
mp <- ggplot(py9, aes(year, month))
mp + geom_raster(aes(fill=temperature))+
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = '#EEEEEE', colour = 'white'), legend.position="right", text=element_text(size=14))+
mp <- ggplot()
jan <- subset(py9, py9$month == 1)
jul <- subset(py9, py9$month == 7)
mp + geom_line(aes(y=jan$temperature, x=jan$year), color="blue") +
geom_line(aes(y=jul$temperature, x=jul$year), color="red")
## Attaching package: 'zoo'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
## as.Date, as.Date.numeric
py3 <- read.csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/climdata/baur/master/raw/baur_yearly.csv", sep=",")
avg <- rollapply(py3, width=30, by=1, FUN=mean)
x <-tail(py3, n=-30)
std <- rollapply(py3, width=30, by=1, FUN=sd)
py4 <- (x-avg)/std
py4$year <- x$year
py4 <-tail(py4, n=-30)
tmp <-py4[,c("year","jan")]
names(tmp)[names(tmp) == "jan"] <- "temperature"
tmp$month <- rep(1,nrow(tmp))
norm <- tmp
m <- 2
for (month in c("feb","mar","apr","may","jun","jul","aug","sep","oct","nov","dec")) {
tmp <-py4[,c("year",month)]
names(tmp)[names(tmp) == month] <- "temperature"
tmp$month <- rep(m,nrow(tmp))
m <- m+1
norm <- rbind(norm, tmp)
mp <- ggplot(norm, aes(year, month))
mp + geom_raster(aes(fill=temperature))+
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = '#EEEEEE', colour = 'white'), legend.position="right", text=element_text(size=14))+
py3 <- read.csv("https://raw.githubusercontent.com/climdata/baur/master/raw/baur_yearly.csv", sep=",")
tmp <-py3[,c("year","jan")]
names(tmp)[names(tmp) == "jan"] <- "temperature"
avg <- mean(tmp$temperature, na.rm = TRUE)
std <- sd(tmp$temperature, na.rm = TRUE)
tmp$temperature <- (tmp$temperature-avg)/std
tmp$month <- rep(1,nrow(tmp))
norm <- tmp
m <- 2
for (month in c("feb","mar","apr","may","jun","jul","aug","sep","oct","nov","dec")) {
tmp <-py3[,c("year",month)]
names(tmp)[names(tmp) == month] <- "temperature"
avg <- mean(tmp$temperature, na.rm = TRUE)
std <- sd(tmp$temperature, na.rm = TRUE)
tmp$temperature <- (tmp$temperature-avg)/std
tmp$month <- rep(m,nrow(tmp))
m <- m+1
norm <- rbind(norm, tmp)
mp <- ggplot(norm, aes(year, month))
mp + geom_raster(aes(fill=temperature))+
theme(panel.background = element_rect(fill = '#EEEEEE', colour = 'white'), legend.position="right", text=element_text(size=14))+