st2 environment using st2 docker images from hub (+ rabbitmq, mongodb).
stackstorm provides docker and vagrant all-in-one environments for dev and test. This setup is meant to mimic a 'production' docker setup using the official st2 docker images.
# Boot the environment
docker-compose build
# Register core packs
docker exec -it st2docker_rules_1 "PYTHONPATH=/opt/stackstorm/src/st2common:/opt/stackstorm/src/st2reactor:/opt/stackstorm/src/st2actions /opt/stackstorm/src/virtualenv/bin/python /opt/stackstorm/src/st2common/bin/st2-register-content --config-file /etc/st2/st2.conf --register-all"
# Connect (replace ip with your docker host) (testu/testp) # st2 web ui (guest/guest) # rabbitmq management console
export ST2_CONFIG_FILE=$(pwd)/config
st2 action list
docker-compose up
doesn't give rabbitmq enough time to start before services attempt to connect.
gives the rabbitmq and mongodb services a head start on the stackstorm cluster.
Creates user testu / testp
by default. Update st2auth/htpasswd to override.
Default packs (core, packs, linux) are normally moved from src/contrib to /opt/stackstorm/packs by yum/deb install scripts. Here, I am wrapping the docker containers with steps to do this at build time until I can figure out where the official Dockerfiles are and offer a PR.
- -Add integration packs-
- Allow multiple pack paths to support bind mounts along with default packs easily
- Remove credentials from sample config
- Secure mongodb
- Secure rabbitmq
- Add sample target host with keypair
- terraform config for ecs task / service configuration
- packs.install && packs.load not working for st2contrib