Plexus exposes a simple interface for remote control with the MeshCentral Server. It's intented to be used for ad-hoc remote assistance without installing an agent permanently.
Plexus is a proxy server that depends on a MeshCentral server.
On Debian/Ubuntu you need the following packages:
$ apt-get install jq certbot
Plexus doesn't need root privileges to function. Therefore, it is recommended to create a new user account:
$ sudo useradd -d /var/lib/plexus -m -U -r -s /bin/false plexus
During the installation, we need two variables to be accessible from different user account.
- Define the FQDN of your installation. We assume your server has a public DNS record. This is mandatory to create SSL certificates with Let's encrypt.
$ echo '' > /tmp/install-vars
- We need a password for the Meshcentral server. Let's creare a secure random password.
$ echo "PASSWD=$(openssl rand -hex 30)" >> /tmp/install-vars
Plexus is intended to provide remote assistance to users located outside your local network. Using encryption is therefore crucial, and you should use a publicly resolvable FQDN along with certificates trusted by all browser, for example using Let's encrypt:
$ . /tmp/install-vars
$ certbot certonly -d $FQDN -n --agree-tos --standalone --register-unsafely-without-email
Change permissions that the Plexus user can access the keys and certificates:
$ . /tmp/install-vars
$ chgrp -R plexus /etc/letsencrypt
$ chmod -R g=rx /etc/letsencrypt
Unless otherwise noted, all commends should be executed with the Plexus user*:
Install the latest Node.js TLS release:
$ curl -fsSL | sudo -E bash - $ sudo apt-get install -y nodejs
Learn more about installing Node.js.
Change to the Plexus user via bash
su - plexus -s /bin/bash
Install MeshCentral:
$ mkdir ~/meshcentral $ cd ~/meshcentral $ npm install meshcentral
It takes a while to download all dependencies.
Create a configuration for MeshCentral. MeshCentral will not be exposed to the network. It runs on localhost only because all requests go through the Plexus proxy.
$ mkdir ~/meshcentral/meshcentral-data/ $ cat <<EOF >~/meshcentral/meshcentral-data/config.json { "\$schema": "", "settings": { "LANonly": true, "WANonly": false, "agentPortTls": false, "exactports": true, "tlsoffload": true, "port": 5000, "portBind": "", "redirPort": 5001, "redirPortBind": "", "AllowLoginToken": true }, "domains": { "control": { "title": "Plexus Control", "newAccounts": false } } } EOF
Configure MeshCental to use your certificates for TLS:
. /tmp/install-vars ln -s /etc/letsencrypt/live/${FQDN}/fullchain.pem ~/meshcentral/meshcentral-data/webserver-cert-public.crt ln -s /etc/letsencrypt/live/${FQDN}/privkey.pem ~/meshcentral/meshcentral-data/webserver-cert-private.key
Finally, start MeshCentral using:
$ cd ~/meshcentral $ node node_modules/meshcentral
You should get an output like the following on your terminal.
MeshCentral HTTP redirection server running on port 5001. Generating certificates, may take a few minutes... Generating root certificate... Generating HTTPS certificate... Generating MeshAgent certificate... Generating Intel AMT MPS certificate... MeshCentral v0.9.25, LAN mode. Server has no users, next new account will be site administrator. MeshCentral HTTP server running on port 5000.
If the above command doesn't report errors, stop mehscentral with CTRL-C.
Create a user on the MeshCentral server, that Plexus will use for internal connections.
$ . /tmp/install-vars $ node node_modules/meshcentral --createaccount plexus --pass "${PASSWD}" --domain control
MeshCentral should respond with:
Now, let's run MeshCentral via Systemd. From the root account, create a service file.
$ cat << EOF > /etc/systemd/system/meshcentral.service [Unit] Description=MeshCentral Server [Service] Type=simple LimitNOFILE=1000000 ExecStart=/usr/bin/node /var/lib/plexus/meshcentral/node_modules/meshcentral WorkingDirectory=/var/lib/plexus/meshcentral Environment=NODE_ENV=production User=plexus Group=plexus Restart=always RestartSec=10 [Install] EOF
Start and enable the MeshCentral service:
$ systemctl enable --now meshcentral $ systemctl --no-pager status meshcentral
You should get a confirmation like
● meshcentral.service - MeshCentral Server Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/meshcentral.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Mon 2021-11-29 10:42:14 UTC; 2s ago Main PID: 2780 (node) Tasks: 22 (limit: 1123) Memory: 111.0M CPU: 2.027s CGroup: /system.slice/meshcentral.service ├─2780 /usr/bin/node /var/lib/plexus/meshcentral/node_modules/meshcentral └─2791 /usr/bin/node /var/lib/plexus/meshcentral/node_modules/meshcentral --launch 2780
Create a log dir for Plexus
$ mkdir /var/log/plexus/ $ chown root:plexus /var/log/plexus/ $ chmod g+rwx /var/log/plexus/
Install Plexus
$ cd /tmp $ VERSION=0.0.5 $ wget${VERSION}/plexus_${VERSION}_linux_amd64.tar.gz $ tar -xzf plexus_${VERSION}_linux_amd64.tar.gz -C /usr/local/bin plexus
Create a Plexus configuration file.
$ . /tmp/install-vars $ mkdir /etc/plexus $ cat<<EOF>/etc/plexus/plexus.conf # The TLS cert file PLEXUS_TLS_CERT_FILE=/etc/letsencrypt/live/${FQDN}/fullchain.pem # The TLS key file PLEXUS_TLS_KEY_FILE=/etc/letsencrypt/live/${FQDN}/privkey.pem # The URL of the MeshCentral server. PLEXUS_MESH_CENTRAL_URL=ws://localhost:5000 # The MeshCentral account username. PLEXUS_MESH_CENTRAL_USER=plexus # The MeshCentral account password. PLEXUS_MESH_CENTRAL_PASS=${PASSWD} # The address plexus will listen on. PLEXUS_SERVER_ADDRESS= # The loglevel (one of: debug, info, warn, error) PLEXUS_LOG_LEVEL=info PLEXUS_LOG_FILE=/var/log/plexus/plexus.log # Plexus auth for creating sessions PLEXUS_AUTH_USER="support" PLEXUS_AUTH_PASS="1234" EOF
Check if everything is configured correctly
$ /usr/local/bin/plexus -c /etc/plexus/plexus.conf verify-config
The command should output:
Config: Ok! MeshCentral Server: Ok! TLS Certificate: Ok!
Start Plexus via Systemd
$ cat << EOF > /etc/systemd/system/plexus.service [Unit] Description=Plexus Server [Service] Type=simple LimitNOFILE=1000000 ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/plexus -c /etc/plexus/plexus.conf serve WorkingDirectory=/var/lib/plexus User=plexus Group=plexus Restart=always AmbientCapabilities=cap_net_bind_service RestartSec=10 [Install] EOF
$ systemctl enable --now plexus
Check that Plexus is running:
$ systemctl --no-pager status plexus
It should output the following:
● plexus.service - Plexus Server Loaded: loaded (/etc/systemd/system/plexus.service; disabled; vendor preset: enabled) Active: active (running) since Thu 2021-09-16 17:41:43 UTC; 5s ago Main PID: 14307 (plexus) Tasks: 7 (limit: 2354) Memory: 4.6M CPU: 16ms CGroup: /system.slice/plexus.service └─14307 /usr/local/bin/plexus -c /etc/plexus/plexus.conf serve
To create a remote control session, follow these steps:
Create a new session:
$ curl -ks https://localhost:8080/session \ -u support:1234 \ -F id="helping-joe" \ -F ttl=3600 \ -F username=admin \ -F password=foobaz |jq
The configured credentials
are required when creating a session. -
is optional and will be asked when opening the session inside the browser or deleting the session. -
is the time to live of the session in seconds.
Plexus will respond with the following:
{ "ID": "helping-joe", "SessionURL": "https://localhost:8080/session/helping-joe", "AgentMSH": "https://localhost:8080/config/helping-joe:xddRGfuIOaqwBxVIWrnp", "AgentConfig": { "ServerID": "9DA17836FD0BA3193ED52896929FD021990EBA4234ED56A6057115B7C53D24F58284E34954619CAECC131FC8BE82B9EE", "MeshName": "plexus/helping-joe/bGVnI", "MeshType": 2, "MeshID": "mesh//i8bgwSqhUVS5ttAYX5VCqSR2dxPY@5iSLv5p1jFJG5TJKYV91PaMoTf0AHSj@Eqi", "MeshIDHex": "0x8BC6E0C12AA15154B9B6D0185F9542A924767713D8FB98922EFE69D631491B94C929857DD4F68CA137F40074A3F84AA2", "MeshServer": "wss://localhost:8080/agent/helping-joe:xddRGfuIOaqwBxVIWrnp" }, "ExpiresAt": "2021-09-12T14:31:40.830231373+02:00" }
Create the
on the system that will be remote controlled:$ curl https://localhost:8080/config/helping-joe:xddRGfuIOaqwBxVIWrnp > meshagent.msh
The url is present in the response of the create session request. See
. -
Start the MeshAgent in the directory where you've created the
. You can get the binary from here.$ ./meshagent
Open the
from the create session response in your favorite browser. -
Click 'connect' on the upper left and the remote control should've started.
Let's say your Plexus server is running on
On the PC of the supporter, open a Powershell and create a support session.
PS > $Uri = ''
PS > $Form = @{
id = 'my-help-session'
ttl = '3600'
username = 'admin'
password = 'foobaz'
PS > $Headers = @{
Authorization = "Basic [System.Convert]::ToBase64String([System.Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes("support:1234))"
PS > $Result = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $Uri -Headers $Headers -Method Post -Form $Form
PS > $Result
You will get a response like this.
ID : my-help-session
SessionURL :
AgentMSH :
AgentConfig : @{ServerID=7B5CE7FDB7F50728580271A7B2093CA1546EC2AC82323CA27124D43ECD8BA0A7F90462A153517F738862F2AB19F1FC9F;
MeshName=plexus/my-help-session/QJROX; MeshType=2;
MeshIDHex=0xDBF57ED902BD5C65CA32AAB0781EBC09941973FD5E4D27959BAEE64636DB69EF7547503FAE4FE89A24FD48B673CA66E2; MeshServer=wss:
ExpiresAt : 2021-09-17T14:35:31.890280097Z
Point your browser to the SessionURL
Now transer the URL of the AgentMSH
to the PC you want to access, open a PowerShell, and execute:
PS > iwr -Uri -OutFile meshagent.exe
PS > iwr -Uri -OutFile meshagent.msh
PS > .\meshagent.exe connect
Clone the project
$ git clone $ cd plexus
Install and start the development MeshCentral server: Inside the
folder you will find a suitable meshcentral configuration and some certificates.$ (cd dev && npm install) $ (cd dev && npm start)
Meshcentral must be running all the time. Either open a new terminal to start the Plexus server, or stop Meshcetral with CTRL-C and move it to the background.
$ nohup npm start>meshcentral.log 2>&1 &
You can log in to the web interface of meshcentral on
. -
Start Plexus with the development config:
$ cd ~/plexus $ go run ./cmd/plexus -c plexus.config.development serve
Check it's working On a new terminal, execute
$ ID=testing $ curl -ks https://localhost:8080/session \ -u support:1234 \ -F id=${ID} \ -F ttl=3600 \ -F username=admin \ -F password=foobaz >${ID}.json $ jq < ${ID}.json # Linux $ wget -O meshagent # Mac Intel $ wget -O meshagent $ chmod +x meshagent $ curl -skS $(jq -r .AgentMSH <${ID}.json) -o meshagent.msh $ ./meshagent
You should get a confirmation like
Connecting to: wss://localhost:8080/agent/testing:K2jWSbTrl7r72jgrMjRg Connected. Server verified meshcore... meshcore already running...