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Polyomino tilings & Exact cover

INF421 Project

The current repository is an Eclipse Java Project designed to find, create, manipulate and organize polyominos using various algorithms. The source code contains several classes, each fulfilling particular tasks.

The Polyomino class

Represents a polyomino in a boolean table, so that no extra line nor column is wasted. A polyomino can dilate, rotate or flip:

  • P.rotation(int k) returns a polyomino rotated by k*(pi/2)
  • P.symmetryY() returns the polyomino flipped along the Y-axis
  • P.dilatation(int k) returns the polyomino, k times bigger

The Polyomino class also allows you to generate all fixed and free polyomino for a given size n, using a naïve algorithm. Both can be accessed a static way.

  • Polyomino.generateFixed(int n)
  • Polyomino.generateFree(int n)

Eventually, the Polyomino.importFile(String filePath) static function creates a Polyomino table based on a text file.

The RedelmeierGenerator class

This file contains a RedelmeierGenerator class, including a static method RedelmeierGenerator.generatefixed(int n), which returns the same result than Polyomino.generateFixed(int n), but much faster. The enumeration can also be pushed further.

The file also contains a TableauRelatif class, used by the RedelmeierGenerator to represent a table using possibly negative integers.

The ExactCover class

This class is designed to solve the exact cover problem, using a static method ExactCover.exactCover(Integer[][] M). The entry is a matrix M such as M[i][j] = 1 if, and only if the i-th element contains the number j.

The DancingLinks class

In this class, we implement Donald Knuth’s Dancing links algorithm, providing a much faster solution to the exact cover problem. The static method is the same: DancingLinks. exactCover(Integer[][] M). The file contains a Data class and a Column class, used by the algorithm to build the DancingLinks data structure.

The Hexagonamino class

Just like the Polyomino class, this class allows Hexagonamino counting and solving exact cover problems. The counting functions, constructor syntax and exact cover tiling function the same way.

The Sudoku class

This class contains a Sudoku.sudokuSolver(Integer[][] partial) static method solving partially filled Sudokus. A Possibility data structure is used in the algorithm to represent potential solutions.

The Point class

This class is used in many different parts of the code, providing a simple way to record points (P.getx(), P.gety()) and finding their neighbourhood (P.neighbors()).

The file

This file contains several classes used to represent graphically Polyomino objects. The main class, Image2dViewer, includes an Image2dComponent object, whose method paintComponent() uses an Image2d object to draw the Polyominos. The Polyominos are represented by ColoredPolygon and Edge objects.

The Configuration class

This class allows to represent a set of polyominos, as well as their colours and relative position in space. The method createWindow() builds an Image2dViewer object to display the polyominos on screen.

The ExtracteurImage class

This class contains a static method ExtracteurImage.ecrire(JComponent pan, String filePath) which saves the Image2dComponent in a JPG file.


INF421 school project on polyomino tilings







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