This repository contains the L1 menu versions centrally developed and validated by the L1 Trigger DPG. There are two directories:
- Development: it contains all versions of the L1 menu used for development purposed and offline rate studies
- Official: it contains all versions of the L1 menu deployed at P5 for the data-taking (with all relevant details about the deployment)
All details about each version of the L1 menu can be found here.
Instructions to create a new menu using the Trigger Menu Editor
- Install the TME:
python3 -m venv tme
. tme/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install git+
After that, create a user shell script
. ~/tme/bin/activate
tm-editor $@
exit $?
and launch it (source
) to open an interactive window and work with the TME.
- Open the TME and edit your reference menu: For a clear example about the setting and first usage of the TME, the bonus Ex. 3 of the Trigger Exercise the DAS at Fermilab can be followed, adapting it for the reference menu that you use as starting point.
Instructions to use the tm-reporter tool to create the html version of the menu from the xml file and the corresponding twiki
- Install the tm-reporter for the first time:
python3 -m venv tm-reporter
. tm-reporter/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install git+
- Run the tm-reporter: The general command is:
tm-reporter [-m {html,twiki}] [-o L1Menu_Collisions2024_* ] L1Menu_Collisions2024_*.xml
Example working command to test that the tm-reporter is working fine with a xml file copied in your working directory:
tm-reporter -m html L1Menu_Collisions2024_v1_2_0.xml