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CycleSync Dashboard

Heroku App:


The Bikeshare Dashboard aims to transform bikeshare system management through an innovative, data-driven platform. With a focus on the Mobi by Rogers Bikeshare system in Vancouver, the dashboard serves as a strategic compass for stakeholders, providing timely insights into user behavior, operational trends, and marketing opportunities.

By showcasing key metrics, detailed ride statistics, and station activities, the dashboard enables stakeholders to make informed decisions about system improvements and upgrades. The interactive visualizations featured in the dashboard offer intuitive representations of complex data, enabling stakeholders to identify trends, patterns, and outliers at a glance. Coupled with user engagement tools like filters and customizable charts, users can delve deeper into the data, uncovering actionable insights and opportunities for optimization. Furthermore, the dashboard's data export capabilities foster collaboration and knowledge sharing among stakeholders.

In essence, the Bikeshare Dashboard serves as more than just a monitoring tool—it is a strategic compass guiding stakeholders towards data-driven decisions that optimize operations, enhance user experience, and ultimately propel the growth and sustainability of the bikeshare system.

App Sketch

The sketch was created on Figma, utilizing icons sourced from the Noun Project and Icon Finder. Our Dashboard comprises three pages. The initial page displays comprehensive bike-sharing data, including station and ride counts, maximum duration, and distance, among other details. The trends page features two interactive line plots based on count and average distance, highlighting every season as one hovers over it, with filters for bike type and membership type. Lastly, the map page includes two maps showcasing bike concentration at each station, toggle-selectable, with filters for bike type and station name. One map displays bike concentration using a heatmap, while the other utilizes markers to indicate the count of bikes at each station.

The dashboard's interface is designed to streamline data visualization, prioritizing key variables to ensure clarity and usability. Through interactive charts, graphs, and maps, stakeholders can uncover patterns, identify trends, and derive actionable insights to drive strategic initiatives within the bikeshare ecosystem.

Ultimately, the Bikeshare Dashboard project aims to revolutionize bikeshare system management, positioning the Mobi by Rogers Bikeshare system as a model of efficiency and innovation. By leveraging the power of data analytics, the project seeks to empower stakeholders, enhance user satisfaction, and propel the bikeshare industry forward into a future driven by connectivity and smart technology.


