These statistics serve as an example how to use gemmi-grep
(one of the utilities provided by the project gemmi)
to quickly extract data from mmCIF files.
The data of interest is extracted from a local copy of the PDB archive
(mmCIF coordinate files) to a file grep.out
$ ./ --auto
This script uses gemmi-grep
to extract metadata to a file grep.out
Reading all the archive (69GB of compressed files) takes about 30min.
The output is redirected to a file (grep.out
) that is then used
to prepare JSON files used in our web pages.
./ >data.json
makes a concise JSON file that includes only:
- entries deposited since 2008 (aribitrary cut-off),
- obtained using X-ray crystallography,
- in case of group depositions (PDB has now only a dozen of such groups) we take one entry from each group.
The web app itself is contained in a single file (index.html). It depends on three external libraries: dc.js, d3.js and crossfilter.
Here is an interactive demo (each plot can be used as a filter):
prepares json files for calendar.html, see
$ curl -O
$ ./ $PDB_DIR/structures/divided/mmCIF > residues.json
$ # update file_count and date in residues.html (take file_count from json)
File entries.idx is used to sort entries from the most recent ones, so that the example PDB ID in tooltip is the newest entry with given tag.
$ curl -O
$ gemmi tags --full components.cif.gz > ccd-tags.tsv
$ gemmi tags --full --entries-idx=entries.idx $PDB_DIR/structures/divided/mmCIF > mmcif-tags.tsv
$ gemmi tags --full --entries-idx=entries.idx --sf $PDB_DIR/structures/divided/structure_factors > sf-tags.tsv
$ sed -i s"/ on 20..-..-../ on $(date -Idate)/" tags.html
Similarly, for the COD:
$ gemmi tags --full path/to/cod/cif/ > cod-cif-tags.tsv
$ gemmi tags --full --glob='*.hkl' path/to/cod/hkl/ > cod-hkl-tags.tsv
$ sed -i s"/ on 20..-..-../ on $(date -Idate)/" cod-tags.html