##Setting up for production
Please create a user with ID: 1
Please create a category named Unauthorized with ID: 1
Or simply run the php artisan db seed
You can edit it in the database/seeds/
folder, cange the values and then run db:seed
Or just do this in database/seeds/DatabaseSeeder.php
#####Change your .env file
After running git pull
from bitbucket, create a .env
file set you .env
file like this.
There will be a .env.example
file in there for reference, can use that or use the description below.
- APP_ENV=production
- APP_DEBUG=false
- APP_KEY=SomeRandomString
- DB_HOST=localhost
- DB_DATABASE=[your database name]
- DB_USERNAME=[your user name]
- DB_PASSWORD=[your database password name]
- REDIS_HOST=localhost
- MAIL_HOST=sendgrid.com
- MAIL_PORT=2525
Run php artisan key:generate
Remove "Barryvdh\Debugbar\ServiceProvider::class,"
from app.php provider.
Remove "'Debugbar' => Barryvdh\Debugbar\Facade::class,"
from app.php aliases
Run composer install --no-dev
[ this will install without debugger and testing stuff ]
Run php artisan migrate
to install tables
Run php artisan laratrust:migration
set up your server or you can run this project in your local by using
php artisan serve
##Setting up for Test
#####Change your .env file
After running git pull
from bitbucket, create a .env
file set you .env
file like this.
There will be a .env.example
file in there for reference, can use that or use the production one above with slight change.
- APP_ENV=local
- APP_DEBUG=true
Run php artisan key:generate
Run composer install --no-dev
[ this will install without debugger and testing stuff ]
Run php artisan migrate
to install tables
Run php artisan laratrust:migration
.env file for production
Run php artisan db:seed
to use Facker data