A Goa middleware to recover panics and send them to RayGun. Godoc
The minimal setup to have it working is to put the Notify middleware in your middleware chain:
service.Use(middleware.ErrorHandler(service, true))
// this is the middleware
notify := goaraygun.New("MYSECRETRAYGUNKEY", nil)
And that's it. Panics and crashes will be sent to Raygun using the key you specified
The goa recover
middleware creates an error with all the stacktrace in the error message, while raygun wants it outside.
You can simply use the goaraygun.Recover
service.Use(middleware.ErrorHandler(service, true))
notify := goaraygun.New("MYSECRETRAYGUNKEY", nil)
// It creates errors more raygun-friendly, but still understandable by ErrorHandler
You can use the goa-raygun manager to send an error directly to raygun. Useful if you don't want to stop execution but you still want to know if something went wrong:
notify.Error(context.Background(), err, request, data)
If you don't want to send errors while you are debugging you can use the Silent Option
. It will print the error in the stdout instead of sending it to the server
notify := goaraygun.New("MYSECRETRAYGUNKEY", &goaraygun.Opts{Silent: true})
Every app has its way to retrieve the user info, so if you want that info on raygun you'll have to work a bit for it:
func GetUser(ctx context.Context, req *http.Request) string {
notify := goaraygun.New("MYSECRETRAYGUNKEY", &goaraygun.Opts{GetUser: GetUser})