A tiny load balancer in Go.
# Build sisyphus, summit and zeus
$ make
# Format the entire project
$ make fmt
# Clean the built binaries
$ make clean
# Start sisyphus
$ PORT=8000 ./bin/sisyphus
# Start summit
$ PORT=3000 ./bin/summit
# Test using curl
$ curl localhost:8000/health
# Auto load-testing using zeus. Provide the address of the load-balancer (sisyphus).
$ HOST='localhost:8000' ./bin/zeus
# Add a config.json file in /data directory with the following content structure:
"servers": ["<ip1>:<port1>", "<ip2>:<port2>", ...],
"weights": [<x1>, <x2>, ...],
"strategy": "<strategy>"
Note that <text> are placeholders. Replace them with the actual values.
# Example config.json file:
"servers": ["", "", "", ""],
"weights": [1, 2, 3, 4],
"strategy": "round-robin"