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Turbo Enigma ⚡️🔋


The application will need the Slack Token with scopes message:write, search:read and reactions:write. You can place it in the .env.local. if the file does not exist, you can duplicate it from .env.local.dist, otherwise it will get created the first time you run make

export SLACK_TOKEN="find-me-on-slack"


cp charts/turbo-enigma/values.yaml.dist charts/turbo-enigma/values.yaml
helm upgrade --install my-enigma charts/turbo-enigma --set slack.token=$SLACK_TOKEN


vim charts/turbo-enigma/values.yaml # Adding new notification rules for instance
helm upgrade --install my-enigma charts/turbo-enigma --set slack.token=$SLACK_TOKEN


$ make image/build


$ make app/run


curl localhost:8000 -d @payload/merge_request-open-just-testing.json

Unit tests

To run the tests locally, run the following command:

$ make test/unit

If you want to see how covered the project is, you can run the following command to get coverage report

$ make coverage/generate

Once the above has been run, it's time to see it in your browser. The following command will open a new tab in your browser with the code coverage.

$ make coverage/view