Store and handle custom settings in the database. Will use the Laravel cache system to minimize database queries.
In the require
key of composer.json
file add the following
"codepeak/dsettings": "dev-master"
Run the Composer update comand
$ composer update
In your config/app.php
add 'Codepeak\Dsettings\DsettingsServiceProvider'
to the end of the $providers
'providers' => array(
At the end of config/app.php
add 'DSetting' => 'Codepeak\Dsettings\Facades\DSetting'
to the $aliases
'aliases' => array(
'App' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\App',
'Artisan' => 'Illuminate\Support\Facades\Artisan',
'DSetting' => 'Codepeak\Dsettings\Facades\DSetting',
Run the migration update command to create the settings
$ php artisan migrate --package=codepeak/dsettings
Get value from the database (or cache if fetched earlier)
Store or update value
\DSetting::set('database.key', 'my nice value');