This project is intended to be the repository for code for the Margins Project
Last Updated By: Hassan Karim -- August 22, 2017
Margin Processor – Requirements Document
Advanced Software Engineering 1 – Assignment Project 1 – Fall 2017
#Input Specifications
#Requirements -- Answer / Assumptions -- Ref
a) Process a text file -- P2S1
b) Margins and input file are supplied on command line Might be wrong. -- P2S2
P2S2 could be interpreted as the first 2 characters in the input file should be integers. These characters represent margins from the edges
measured in inches
c) 1st argument, fpINFILE, type=FILE, default=DAT1.TXT, input file name P2S2
d) 2nd argument, intLeftMargin, type=integer, Left Margin ----- P2S2
e) 3rd argument, intRightMargin,type=integer, Right Margin ----- P2S2
f) margin integers represent margins in inches ----- P2S2
g) A word = any sequence of non-blank characters, includes punctuations and special characters ----- P3S1
h) Ignore trailing blank spaces Assumed: Combine white space into 1 ----- P3S2
k) Line limit 80 characters ----- P3S5
l) Create our own tests ----- P4S1
m) One test input file should be the assignment file itself ----- P4S1
n) All test input files called DAT1.TXT ----- P4S1
o) Develop an algorithm ----- P4S2
t) Must be developed in C++ or Java ----- P5S1
q) ??Input and output files must be 80 characters in length?? Assumed: Maxfile name length=80 ----- P6S1