The previous generation Mochi 1.0 is still available here.
Mochi 2.0 is a ready-to-go HTML5 boilerplate framework that runs on Bootstrap, but adds tons of enhanced features with a strong focus on offline web applications, and without all the limitations. This is achieved by including and maintaining offline versions of popular open-source projects that have been out in the wild for years.
Bootstrap is an open source toolkit for developing with HTML, CSS, and JS. Quickly prototype your ideas or build your entire app with powerful Sass variables and mixins, responsive grid system, extensive prebuilt components, and powerful plugins built on jQuery. Mochi 2.0 takes this a step further by enabling functionality that would normally require many hours of code writing and head scratching. More information on Bootstrap here.
To use Mochi 2.0 simply download the latest distribution package and extract the contents of the included dist
folder to the root of your website directory (e.g., /var/www/html
in some systems). That's it! You now have a fully functioning and ready-to-deploy Bootstrap-powered HTML5 boilerplate web application installed on your website. Mochi 2.0 is designed to run either online or offline, depending on your desired configuration. More on that later.
The included HTML5 starter template (dist/index.html
) is a great way to get started with Mochi 2.0. Since it's powered by Bootstrap you can do a bunch of things right out of the box, and with minimal effort. Check out the official Bootstrap documentation to learn more about how to structure your HTML5/CSS markup according to the latest standards.
Within the download you'll find the following directories and files, logically grouping common assets and providing both compiled and minified variations for all libraries. You'll see something like this:
├── bootstrap/
│ ├── css/
│ │ ├── bootstrap.css
│ │ ├── bootstrap.min.css
│ │ ├── bootstrap.rtl.css
│ │ ├── bootstrap.rtl.min.css
│ │ ├── bootstrap-grid.css
│ │ ├── bootstrap-grid.min.css
│ │ ├── bootstrap-grid.rtl.css
│ │ ├── bootstrap-grid.rtl.min.css
│ │ ├── bootstrap-reboot.css
│ │ ├── bootstrap-reboot.min.css
│ │ ├── bootstrap-reboot.rtl.css
│ │ ├── bootstrap-reboot.rtl.min.css
│ │ ├── bootstrap-utilities.css
│ │ ├── bootstrap-utilities.min.css
│ │ ├── bootstrap-utilities.rtl.css
│ │ └── bootstrap-utilities.rtl.css
│ │
│ ├── js/
│ │ ├── bootstrap.bundle.js
│ │ ├── bootstrap.bundle.min.js
│ │ ├── bootstrap.esm.js
│ │ ├── bootstrap.esm.min.js
│ │ ├── bootstrap.js
│ │ └── bootstrap.min.js
│ │
│ └── scss/
│ └── bootstrap.scss
├── frontend/
│ ├── css/
│ │ ├── print-less.css
│ │ ├── print-sass.css
│ │ ├── style-less.css
│ │ └── style-sass.css
│ │
│ ├── img/
│ │ └── brand/
│ │ ├── launcher-icon-1x.png
│ │ ├── launcher-icon-4x.png
│ │ ├── screenshot_1n.png
│ │ ├── screenshot_1w.png
│ │ ├── screenshot_2n.png
│ │ └── screenshot_2w.png
│ │
│ ├── js/
│ │ └── onload.js
│ │
│ ├── less/
│ │ ├── _375up.less
│ │ ├── _425up.less
│ │ ├── _480up.less
│ │ ├── _576up.less
│ │ ├── _640up.less
│ │ ├── _750up.less
│ │ ├── _768up.less
│ │ ├── _970up.less
│ │ ├── _992up.less
│ │ ├── _1020up.less
│ │ ├── _1024up.less
│ │ ├── _1170up.less
│ │ ├── _1200up.less
│ │ ├── _1400up.less
│ │ ├── _1440up.less
│ │ ├── _1560up.less
│ │ ├── _1920up.less
│ │ ├── _2560up.less
│ │ ├── _3840up.less
│ │ ├── _base.less
│ │ ├── _mixins.less
│ │ ├── _notouch.less
│ │ ├── _print.less
│ │ ├── print-less.less
│ │ └── style-less.less
│ │
│ └── scss/
│ ├── _375up.scss
│ ├── _425up.scss
│ ├── _480up.scss
│ ├── _576up.scss
│ ├── _640up.scss
│ ├── _750up.scss
│ ├── _768up.scss
│ ├── _970up.scss
│ ├── _992up.scss
│ ├── _1020up.scss
│ ├── _1024up.scss
│ ├── _1170up.scss
│ ├── _1200up.scss
│ ├── _1400up.scss
│ ├── _1440up.scss
│ ├── _1560up.scss
│ ├── _1920up.scss
│ ├── _2560up.scss
│ ├── _3840up.scss
│ ├── _base.scss
│ ├── _mixins.scss
│ ├── _notouch.scss
│ ├── _print.scss
│ ├── print-sass.scss
│ └── style-sass.scss
├── mochi/
│ ├── css/
│ │ └── helpers/
│ │ └── animate.less/
│ │ └── dist/
│ │ ├── css/
│ │ │ └── animate.css
│ │ │
│ │ └── less/
│ │ ├── _mixins.less
│ │ ├── _options.less
│ │ └── animate.less
│ │
│ ├── js/
│ │ ├── jquery/
│ │ │ └── ui/
│ │ │ ├── external/
│ │ │ │ └── jquery/
│ │ │ │ └── jquery.js
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ├── images/
│ │ │ │ ├── ui-icons_444444_256x240.png
│ │ │ │ ├── ui-icons_555555_256x240.png
│ │ │ │ ├── ui-icons_777620_256x240.png
│ │ │ │ ├── ui-icons_777777_256x240.png
│ │ │ │ ├── ui-icons_cc0000_256x240.png
│ │ │ │ └── ui-icons_ffffff_256x240.png
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ├── jquery-ui.css
│ │ │ ├── jquery-ui.js
│ │ │ ├── jquery-ui.min.css
│ │ │ ├── jquery-ui.min.js
│ │ │ ├── jquery-ui.structure.css
│ │ │ ├── jquery-ui.structure.min.css
│ │ │ ├── jquery-ui.theme.css
│ │ │ └── jquery-ui.theme.min.css
│ │ │
│ │ ├── plugins/
│ │ │ ├── dialog/
│ │ │ │ └── dist/
│ │ │ │ ├── dialog.js
│ │ │ │ └── dialog.min.js
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ └── veeva/
│ │ │ └── dist/
│ │ │ ├── ext/
│ │ │ │ └── veeva-library.js
│ │ │ │
│ │ │ ├── veeva.js
│ │ │ └── veeva.min.js
│ │ │
│ │ ├── libraries.js
│ │ ├── mochi.js
│ │ └── mochi.min.js
│ │
│ ├── less/
│ │ ├── _375up.less
│ │ ├── _425up.less
│ │ ├── _480up.less
│ │ ├── _576up.less
│ │ ├── _640up.less
│ │ ├── _750up.less
│ │ ├── _768up.less
│ │ ├── _970up.less
│ │ ├── _992up.less
│ │ ├── _1020up.less
│ │ ├── _1024up.less
│ │ ├── _1170up.less
│ │ ├── _1200up.less
│ │ ├── _1400up.less
│ │ ├── _1440up.less
│ │ ├── _1560up.less
│ │ ├── _1920up.less
│ │ ├── _2560up.less
│ │ ├── _3840up.less
│ │ ├── _base.less
│ │ ├── _mixins.less
│ │ ├── _notouch.less
│ │ └── _print.less
│ │
│ └── scss/
│ ├── _375up.scss
│ ├── _425up.scss
│ ├── _480up.scss
│ ├── _576up.scss
│ ├── _640up.scss
│ ├── _750up.scss
│ ├── _768up.scss
│ ├── _970up.scss
│ ├── _992up.scss
│ ├── _1020up.scss
│ ├── _1024up.scss
│ ├── _1170up.scss
│ ├── _1200up.scss
│ ├── _1400up.scss
│ ├── _1440up.scss
│ ├── _1560up.scss
│ ├── _1920up.scss
│ ├── _2560up.scss
│ ├── _3840up.scss
│ ├── _base.scss
│ ├── _mixins.scss
│ ├── _notouch.scss
│ └── _print.scss
├── .htaccess
├── index.html
├── manifest.json
├── robots.txt
└── sw.js
One of the major advantages of using Mochi 2.0 is that it comes packed with many useful 3rd-party projects to help you develop your application rapidly, and with less effort than would be necessary with just the standard Bootstrap distribution. The following 3rd-party projects are included with our standard distribution package:
Project | Version | Developer Website |
Animate.less | 2.0 | https://animateforless.com/ |
Basil.js | 0.4.11 | https://github.com/Wisembly/basil.js |
Bootstrap | 5.3.3 | https://getbootstrap.com/ |
Chart.js | 4.4.3 | https://www.chartjs.org/ |
Clipboard.js | 2.0.11 | https://clipboardjs.com/ |
Font Awesome Free | 6.5.2 | https://fontawesome.com/ |
Holder.js | 2.9.7 | http://holderjs.com/ |
iScroll | 5.2.0 | https://github.com/cubiq/iscroll |
jQuery | 3.7.1 | http://jquery.com/ |
jQuery UI | 1.14.0 | https://jqueryui.com/ |
Modernizr | 3.6.0 | https://modernizr.com/ |
Popper.js | 2.11.8 | https://popper.js.org/docs/v2/ |
sprintf-js | 1.1.3 | https://www.npmjs.com/package/sprintf-js |
Underscore.js | 1.13.7 | http://underscorejs.org/ |
Underscore.string | 3.2.1 | https://github.com/esamattis/underscore.string |
In addition to the standard libraries above Mochi 2.0 also comes packaged with special plugins designed to extend its capabilities. These extensions are completely optional and are safe to remove from your production project without issues.
Click here to learn more.
Unlike its predecessor, Mochi 2.0 includes full support for the Sass CSS preprocessor language. As a result, the standard distribution package now includes all the Bootstrap project source Sass files to take advantage of the variables, maps, mixins, and functions necessary to build faster and customize your project with greater ease.
From Wikipedia, Sass (short for syntactically awesome style sheets) is a preprocessor scripting language that is interpreted or compiled into Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). SassScript is the scripting language itself.
There are many applications that will get you up and running with Sass in a few minutes for Mac, Windows, and Linux. You can download most of the applications for free but a few of them are paid apps. More on that here.
Predefined CSS media queries are defined in the folder dist/frontend/scss
. Each media query is assigned a dedicated Sass import file for better organization, and of course, they're all completely optional. Each media query assumes the standard (96dpi) screen resolution.
96dpi (1dppx) | Typical Device | File (96dpi) |
<= 374px (base) | Phone (legacy) | _base.scss |
>= 375px | Phone (legacy) | _375up.scss |
>= 425px | Phone (large) | _425up.scss |
>= 480px | Phone (large), Tablet (small) | _480up.scss |
>= 576px | Phone (large), Tablet (small) | _576up.scss |
>= 750px | Tablet (small) | _750up.scss |
>= 768px | Tablet (small) | _768up.scss |
>= 970px | Tablet (medium) | _970up.scss |
>= 992px | Tablet (medium) | _992up.scss |
>= 1020px | Tablet (large) | _1020up.scss |
>= 1024px | Tablet (large) | _1024up.scss |
>= 1170px | Desktop, Laptop, Tablet | _1170up.scss |
>= 1200px | Desktop, Laptop, Tablet | _1200up.scss |
>= 1400px | Desktop/Laptop (HD) | _1400up.scss |
>= 1440px | Desktop/Laptop (HD) | _1440up.scss |
>= 1560px | Desktop (HD) | _1560up.scss |
>= 1920px | Desktop (HD) | _1920up.scss |
>= 2560px | Desktop (2K) | _2560up.scss |
>= 3840px | Desktop (4K) | _3840up.scss |
In addition to the media breakpoints listed above, the following import files are also included:
File | Description |
_base.scss |
Base styles for all media queries (i.e., all devices). |
_print.scss |
Styles for printed media. Imports Bootstrap compiled CSS. |
_notouch.scss |
Styles for non-touch enabled devices (e.g., desktops). |
_mixins.scss |
Define your own global Sass mixins, variables, and functions. |
print-sass.scss |
Generates CSS file for printed media. |
style-sass.scss |
Generates CSS file for all media types other than print. |
Note: When importing the folder dist/frontend/scss
into your Sass compiler please make sure only the print-sass.scss
and style-sass.sccss
files are compiled to CSS, and not the files prefixed with an underscore.
Some custom Sass mixins are included to help streamline development of CSS in your project. We recommend having a look at dist/mochi/scss/_mixins.scss
to see what's included in our standard distribution package.
Note: We've included an empty mixins file at dist/frontend/scss/_mixins.scss
. If you'd like to define your own mixins in your project, we strongly recommend editing this empty file instead of the predefined mixins file inside the dist/mochi/scss
Mochi 2.0 imports final (compiled) CSS files generated by your preferred Sass preprocessor. Below is a snippet showing how the files are included within your project. You'll notice there are Less.js generated CSS files included as well. Keep scrolling to learn more.
<link media="all" rel="stylesheet" href="frontend/css/style-sass.css">
<link media="all" rel="stylesheet" href="frontend/css/style-less.css">
<link media="print" rel="stylesheet" href="frontend/css/print-sass.css">
<link media="print" rel="stylesheet" href="frontend/css/print-less.css">
File | Description |
frontend/css/print-sass.css |
CSS file for printed media. |
frontend/css/style-sass.css |
CSS file for all media types other than print. |
In addition to Sass, Mochi 2.0 makes heavy use of Less.js to allow you to rapidly construct your CSS stylesheets within the many predefined media queries supported by our standard distribution package.
Less.js is a CSS preprocessor that extends the CSS language, adding features that introduce variables, mixins, functions, and many other techniques commonly found in popular scripting languages. This allows you to make CSS that is more maintainable, themable and extendable.
Less.js runs inside Node, in the browser and inside Rhino. There are also many 3rd-party tools available that allow you to compile your files and watch for changes. The latter is the way to go if you want to get up and running quickly.
Predefined CSS media queries are defined in the folder dist/frontend/less
. Each media query is assigned a dedicated Less import file for better organization, and of course, they're all completely optional. Each media query assumes the standard (96dpi) screen resolution.
96dpi (1dppx) | Typical Device | File (96dpi) |
<= 374px (base) | Phone (legacy) | _base.less |
>= 375px | Phone (legacy) | _375up.less |
>= 425px | Phone (large) | _425up.less |
>= 480px | Phone (large), Tablet (small) | _480up.less |
>= 576px | Phone (large), Tablet (small) | _576up.less |
>= 750px | Tablet (small) | _750up.less |
>= 768px | Tablet (small) | _768up.less |
>= 970px | Tablet (medium) | _970up.less |
>= 992px | Tablet (medium) | _992up.less |
>= 1020px | Tablet (large) | _1020up.less |
>= 1024px | Tablet (large) | _1024up.less |
>= 1170px | Desktop, Laptop, Tablet | _1170up.less |
>= 1200px | Desktop, Laptop, Tablet | _1200up.less |
>= 1400px | Desktop/Laptop (HD) | _1400up.less |
>= 1440px | Desktop/Laptop (HD) | _1440up.less |
>= 1560px | Desktop (HD) | _1560up.less |
>= 1920px | Desktop (HD) | _1920up.less |
>= 2560px | Desktop (2K) | _2560up.less |
>= 3840px | Desktop (4K) | _3840up.less |
In addition to the media breakpoints listed above, the following import files are also included:
File | Description |
_base.less |
Base styles for all media queries (i.e., all devices). |
_print.less |
Styles for printed media. |
_notouch.less |
Styles for non-touch enabled devices (e.g., desktops). |
_mixins.less |
Define your own global Less mixins, variables, and functions. |
print-less.less |
Generates CSS file for printed media. |
style-less.less |
Generates CSS file for all media types other than print. |
Note: When importing the folder dist/frontend/less
into your Less.js compiler please make sure only the print-less.less
and style-less.less
files are compiled to CSS, and not the files prefixed with an underscore.
Some custom Less mixins are included to help streamline development of CSS in your project. We recommend having a look at dist/mochi/less/_mixins.less
to see what's included in our standard distribution package.
Note: We've included an empty mixins file at dist/frontend/less/_mixins.less
. If you'd like to define your own mixins in your project we strongly recommend editing this empty file instead of the predefined mixins file inside the dist/mochi/less
Animate.less is a powerful CSS animations framework for animating HTML elements in a script-less format. Mochi 2.0 automatically imports this library into your project, allowing you to take full advantage of the many predefined animations already included. You can even build your own animations with this framework! More on that here.
Mochi 2.0 imports final (compiled) CSS files generated by your preferred Less.js preprocessor. Below is a snippet showing how the files are included within your project. It's important to note the order in which the CSS files are included. This order is important, since the Sass generated files contain compiled CSS from Bootstrap, the jQuery UI library, and the Animate.less project.
<link media="all" rel="stylesheet" href="frontend/css/style-sass.css">
<link media="all" rel="stylesheet" href="frontend/css/style-less.css">
<link media="print" rel="stylesheet" href="frontend/css/print-sass.css">
<link media="print" rel="stylesheet" href="frontend/css/print-less.css">
File | Description |
frontend/css/print-less.css |
CSS file for printed media. |
frontend/css/style-less.css |
CSS file for all media types other than print. |
Mochi 2.0 includes a fully functional Service Worker (in dist/sw.js
) for developing high-performance websites and offline apps, complete with push notifications and automated updates. It's disabled by default, but you can easily enable it using the Mochi 2.0 API. More information about the standard Service Worker API here.
Note: The (now deprecated) HTML5 application cache is no longer supported (issue #5).
If you're using the Apache HTTP server the included .htaccess file (in dist/.htaccess
) contains a collection of common server-side configurations that can help your web server improve your website's performance and security, while also ensuring that resources are served with the correct content-type and are accessible, if needed, even cross-domain. More information here.
Note: You can safely delete this file without issue if it doesn't apply to your server or project requirements.
Mochi 2.0 includes a simple JavaScript starter template (in dist/frontend/js/onload.js
) to help you tie everything together and get started on your project right away. Continue reading below to get familiar with the how the Mochi 2.0 API can help accelerate your app development.
First things first! After your web page is fully loaded and rendered the Mochi 2.0 instance will register itself as a standard JavaScript global variable called $m
. This variable is defined within the Window
object scope, making it accessible by your entire application.
The persistent Mochi 2.0 instance contains the following components:
Mochi $m.do( array|string name [, array arguments] )
Calls one or more predefined functions by
, in whichthis
is assigned$m
(persistent Mochi 2.0 instance), and the optional list ofarguments
are passed as an array to each. Ifname
is an array, assumes a list of function names to be called, in the order given. Each function must be a validFunction
type. Each function must be defined within thewindow
object scope. Any undefined functions are skipped without error. This method works similar toFunction.prototype.apply()
, but with the added logic.
Mochi $m.extend( string namespace, Function.name instance [, object meta][, function callback] )
(persistent Mochi 2.0 instance) by creating a new instance of a user-defined function (i.e., an object type that has a constructor function), and storing that instance as an object key referenced bynamespace
). The optionalcallback
function is executed immediately after, withthis
assigned as a reference ofinstance
. Additionally, you can pass ameta
object as the first parameter to theinstance
functions. If nometa
is provided, assumes an empty object.Note: This method is especially useful for plugin development.
mixed $m.getDefaultOption( string name )
Shorthand for
$m.getOption(name, true)
mixed $m.getOption( string name[, bool default] )
Returns the value of the requested option by
(case-sensitive). Ifdefault
, returns the default value of the option instead, as defined by the framework. If the requested option is aFunction
type, gets the return value of that function,undefined
otherwise. If the return value is asimple object
type, returns a deep copy of that object.
string $m.getOnClickName()
Returns the current value of the
option. Additionally, ifCLICK_NAME
is currently set to"auto"
, returns thetouchstart
event name for touch-enabled devices, andclick
for all other device types.
number $m.getPage( [number padding] )
Shorthand for
$m.getState('page', padding)
. Returns the value of thedata-page
attribute in<html>
for the active HTML document. Assumes0
(zero) ifdata-page
is undefined or not numeric. Ifpadding
is given, zero-pads the returned number by that amount. By default,0
(zero) is returned with the givenpadding
number $m.getState( string page|view [, number padding] )
Returns the value of either the
attribute in<html>
for the active HTML document. Assumes0
(zero) if the attribute is undefined or not numeric. Ifpadding
is given, zero-pads the returned number by that amount. By default,0
(zero) is returned with the givenpadding
number $m.getView( [number padding] )
Shorthand for
$m.getState('view', padding)
. Returns the value of thedata-view
attribute in<html>
for the active HTML document. Assumes0
(zero) ifdata-view
is undefined or not numeric. Ifpadding
is given, zero-pads the returned number by that amount. By default,0
(zero) is returned with the givenpadding
bool $m.isSimpleObj( mixed value )
Checks whether the given value (
) is a simple JavaScript Object type (i.e., not an Array or Function object type). Uses the_.isObject()
Underscore.js function, but with the stricter type checking.
Mochi $m.load( string page|view, number number[, object meta] )
Calls a series of hooks based on either the
string, andnumber
given. For example,$m.load("page", 1.5)
implies thedata-page
attribute in<html>
for the active HTML document must be changed to1.5
, but only ifdata-page
isn't already set to1.5
. If ameta
object is given, passes that object as the first parameter for each called hook, withthis
assigned as a reference to$m
(persistent Mochi 2.0 instance).FOR EXAMPLE To call all page 1.5 "loading" hooks in the active HTML document, you can do:
$m.load("page", 1.5, {key1 : value1, key2 : value2});Which would execute the following hooks (in order):
mochi_load() // Generic loading hook mochi_load_page() // Generic page loading hook mochi_load_page1_5() // Dedicated loading hook for page 1.5 mochi_onchange() // After everything else completesNote: Each hook receives a default meta object of key/value pairs as the first parameter, with
assigned as a reference to$m
(persistent Mochi 2.0 instance). If the optionalmeta
object is given as the 3rd parameter, merges it with this default object, ensuring each property listed below is not overridden. See below for a list of mandatory properties in the default meta object.DEFAULT META OBJECT
property type description caller string Name of function or constructor that called this method (e.g., "loadPage"). newStateNumber number New state number, if provided. Otherwise, uses current/unchanged state number. oldStateNumber number Previous state number, if provided. Otherwise, uses unchanged state number. stateName string The state name in this call (either "page"
Mochi $m.loadPage( number number )
Shorthand for
$m.load("page", number)
Mochi $m.loadView( number number )
Shorthand for
$m.load("view", number)
Mochi $m.log( string message[, bool condition] )
Outputs an informational message to the Web Console, but only if the given
. If acondition
is not provided, outputs the message if the DEBUG_MODE option evaluates totrue
jQuery $m.onClick( mixed target[, _object eventData][, function handler] )
Like jQuery.on(), but automatically determines the event name to bind to the
(which could either be a CSS selector string, HTML element, or jQuery object type). The event name is chosen from the return value of $m.getOnClickName().handler
is a function to be executed when the event is triggered, receiving theEvent
object as the first parameter. If nohandler
is given, assumesfalse
, which is shorthand for a function that simply doesreturn false
. IfeventData
is provided, it is passed to thehandler
when the event is triggered.
string $m.sanitizeTitle( string string[, string delimiter][, string fallback] )
Sanitizes the given
. Specifically,string
is converted to lowercase, with all non-alphanumeric characters replaced with adelimiter
. If nodelimiter
is given, uses the hyphen character (-
). Ifdelimiter
is non-alphanumeric, all duplicate delimiters are removed (e.g.,my--sanitized---string
). Ifdelimiter
is an empty string, no delimiter is used. Additionally, if the optionalfallback
string is given, uses that string, but only if the sanitizedstring
is empty. Iffallback
is given, it's also sanitized before being returned.
Mochi $m.setOnClickName( string eventName )
Changes the value of the
option to theeventName
must be an alphanumeric string. Otherwise, no changes are applied.
Mochi $m.setOption( string|object option[, mixed value] )
is a string, assignsvalue
to that option. If novalue
is given, assumesundefined
. Otherwise, ifoption
is a simple object type, assumes a list of options to set, with each key/value pair treated as an individualoption/value
assignment. Additionally, ifvalue
is a simple object type, recursively sets each key/value pair in the option, but only ifoption
is also a simple object type. In this case, each key/value invalue
is checked to make sure it's supported by theoption
(i.e., if the key exists as a property inoption
). Any unsupported (non-existent) keys are simply ignored, with no errors produced.
Mochi $m.setPage( number number[, function callback] )
Shorthand for
$m.setState("page", number)
Mochi $m.setState( string page|view, number number[, function callback] )
Sets the value of either the
attribute in<html>
for the active HTML document with the givennumber
, but only if the target attribute isn't already set with the samenumber
. For example,$m.setState("page", 1.5)
would imply that the value of thedata-page
attribute in<html>
for the active HTML document must be set to1.5
, but only ifdata-page
isn't already set to1.5
. Therefore, assumingdata-page
was previously set to1
, assigns1.5
for the active HTML document, subsequently calling the following hooks (in order):mochi_unload() // Generic unloading hook mochi_unload_page() // Generic page unloading hook mochi_unload_page1() // Unloading hook for page 1 mochi_onchange() // After unloading completes mochi_load() // Generic loading hook mochi_load_page() // Generic page loading hook mochi_load_page1_5() // Loading hook for page 1.5 mochi_onchange() // After loading completesNOTES
- If
is given, executes that function after all hooks are called.- Each hook receives a meta object as its first parameter. See
for details.callback
receives the same meta object as its first parameter.
Mochi $m.setView( number number[, function callback] )
Shorthand for
$m.setState("view", number)
Mochi $m.unload( string page|view, number number[, object meta] )
Similar to
, but calls unloading hooks instead.FOR EXAMPLE To call all page 1.5 "unloading" hooks in the active HTML document, you can do:
$m.unload("page", 1.5, {key1 : value1, key2 : value2});Which would execute the following hooks (in order):
mochi_unload() // Generic unloading hook mochi_unload_page() // Generic page unloading hook mochi_unload_page1_5() // Unloading hook for page 1.5 mochi_onchange() // After unloading completes
Mochi $m.unloadPage( number number )
Shorthand for
$m.unload("page", number)
Mochi $m.unloadView( number number )
Shorthand for
$m.unload("view", number)
Mochi $m.widgetOnDownloading( [string text][, string icon][bool spin] )
Generates a dismissible alert widget with the given
included. Ifspin
, theicon
is set in a rotating animation. Keep in mind thaticon
must be a valid Font Awesome icon class. Each parameter is optional, with their default values pulled from theSW_VERBOSE_SYNCING_OPTIONS
option.Note: No action is taken if an instance of this widget is already active on screen.
Mochi $m.widgetOnUpdateReady( [string buttonTitle][, string dialogButtonTitle][string dialogContent][, string dialogTitle] )
Generates a button that triggers a vertically centered modal widget. You can customize the button label and modal content with the supported parameters. Each parameter is optional, with their default values pulled from the
option.Note: No action is taken if an instance of this widget is already active on screen.
Hooks are provided by Mochi 2.0 to allow your application to easily 'hook into' the rest of the framework, with minimal coding required. There are several types of hooks that are supported. Each hook is called automatically by the Mochi 2.0 framework under special circumstances, depending on type.
Note: Hook are completely optional within your project and, if defined, are called with this
assigned as a reference to $m
(persistent Mochi 2.0 instance). Additionally, some of these hooks receive a meta object as the first (and only) parameter. This object contains information regarding the call. More information here.
void mochi_before()
If defined, executes during Mochi 2.0 instance initialization (e.g., before all other initialization methods are called and
is defined), but after all defaultoptions
are set. Useful if you'd like to define some options or run statements before anything else fires up.
void mochi_init()
If defined, executes during Mochi 2.0 instance initialization, but only after all other initialization methods are called. Useful if you'd like to run statements before all other hooks are called, and before some components are loaded (e.g., before the built-in caching system kicks in).
void mochi_load( [object meta] )
If defined, executes as soon as
is set, as well as whenever thedata-page
attributes in<html>
for the active HTML document are set. (e.g., whenever$m.setState()
is called). This hook always precedes themochi_load_page()
hooks. Additionally,meta
is defined only when thedata-page
attributes in<html>
for the active HTML document are changed from a previous (or initial) value.
void mochi_load_page( [object meta] )
If defined, executes as soon as
is set, as well as whenever thedata-page
attribute in<html>
for the active HTML document is set (e.g., when$m.setState()
is called). This hook always precedes themochi_load_page{N}()
hook, where{N}
is the number that was assigned todata-page
. Additionally,meta
is defined only when thedata-page
attribute in<html>
for the active HTML document is changed from a previous (or initial) value.
void mochi_load_page{N}( [object meta] )
If defined, executes whenever the
attribute in<html>
for the active HTML document is set to{N}
, where{N}
is to be replaced with the appropriate number that was assigned todata-page
. For example, themochi_load_page1_5()
hook is called if the current value of thedata-page
attribute in<html>
for the active HTML document is changed to1.5
, but only if the current value isn't already set to1.5
. This hook is always called immediately after themochi_page_load()
hook is called. Additionally,meta
is defined only when thedata-page
attribute in<html>
for the active HTML document is changed from a previous (or initial) value.
void mochi_load_view( [object meta] )
If defined, executes as soon as
is set, as well as whenever thedata-view
attribute in<html>
for the active HTML document is set (e.g., when$m.setState()
is called). This hook always precedes themochi_load_view{N}()
hook, where{N}
is the number that was assigned todata-view
. Additionally,meta
is defined only when thedata-view
attribute in<html>
for the active HTML document is changed from a previous (or initial) value.
void mochi_load_view{N}( [object meta] )
If defined, executes whenever the
attribute in<html>
for the active HTML document is set to{N}
, where{N}
is to be replaced with the appropriate number that was assigned todata-view
. For example, themochi_load_view1_5()
hook is called if the current value of thedata-view
attribute in<html>
for the active HTML document is changed to1.5
, but only if the current value isn't already set to1.5
. This hook is always called immediately after themochi_view_load()
hook is called. Additionally,meta
is defined only when thedata-view
attribute in<html>
for the active HTML document is changed from a previous (or initial) value.
void mochi_unload( object meta )
If defined, executes whenever the
attributes in<html>
for the active HTML document are changed (e.g., whendata-page
changes from1.5
). This hook always precedes themochi_unload_page()
hooks. Additionally,meta
is always defined, and includes details regarding the call.
void mochi_unload_page( object meta )
If defined, executes whenever the
attribute in<html>
for the active HTML document is changed (e.g., whendata-page
changes from1.5
). This hook always precedes themochi_unload_page{N}()
hook, where{N}
is the number that was changed indata-page
. Additionally,meta
is always defined, and includes details regarding the call.
void mochi_unload_page{N}( object meta )
If defined, executes whenever the
attribute in<html>
for the active HTML document is changed from{N}
to a different number, where{N}
is the number that was changed indata-page
. For example, themochi_unload_page2()
hook is called if the value of thedata-page
attribute in<html>
for the active HTML document was changed from2
to a different number. This hook is always called immediately after themochi_page_unload()
hook is called. No action is taken if the number did not change. Additionally,meta
is always defined, and includes details regarding the call.
void mochi_unload_view( object meta )
If defined, executes whenever the
attribute in<html>
for the active HTML document is changed (e.g., whendata-view
changes from1.5
). This hook always precedes themochi_unload_view{N}()
hook, where{N}
is the number that was changed indata-view
. Additionally,meta
is always defined, and includes details regarding the call.
void mochi_unload_view{N}( object meta )
If defined, executes whenever the
attribute in<html>
for the active HTML document is changed from{N}
to a different number, where{N}
is the number that was changed indata-view
. For example, themochi_unload_view2()
hook is called if the value of thedata-view
attribute in<html>
for the active HTML document was changed from2
to a different number. This hook is always called immediately after themochi_view_unload()
hook is called. No action is taken if the number did not change. Additionally,meta
is always defined, and includes details regarding the call.
void mochi_last()
If defined, executes after Mochi 2.0 instance initialization (e.g., after all other initialization methods are called and
is defined), and all other hooks are called. This hook is essentially the opposite ofmochi_before()
, and only executes once for the life of the active HTML document.
void mochi_onchange( object meta )
If defined, executes whenever the values of the
attributes in<html>
for the active HTML document are change. This is especially useful when you need to execute some statements whenever a validdata-page
attribute value change is detected, but only after all relevant hooks are called. With that said,meta
is always defined, and includes details regarding the call.
void mochi_onmutation( MutationRecord mutation )
If defined, executes whenever a DOM mutation is detected. The
represents an individual DOM mutation. It's important to be careful when adding DOM-changing statements to this hook, as poor code can result in performance issues and recursion errors. More information here.
Several options (or flags) are supported to allow you to take full advantage of all the features available in our standard distribution package. All supported options are listed in the table below.
Option | Type | Default |
string |
auto |
bool |
false |
bool |
false |
array |
[] |
bool |
true |
object |
object |
bool |
true |
object |
object |
Determines the name of the JavaScript event to be used by the
method. If set to"auto"
, the event name will be determined automatically depending on the active host device type. For example,touchstart
would be used for touch-enabled devices, whileclick
would be used for all other device types.
If set to
, Mochi 2.0 will output informational messages to the Web Console for some operations. Recommended for app development and debugging, but not for production-ready apps.
If set to
, activates the built-in Service Worker. More information here.
Use this flag to allow Mochi 2.0 to "lazy load" a series of plugins, but only after the active HTML document is fully rendered, and other scripts have finished executing. This is especially useful if/when your application meets one or more of the following criteria:
- It's an online web application.
- Your app runs over a slow network or needs to be optimized for fast rendering.
- You'd like to load a set of plugins for several HTML documents globally.
- Your app requires one or more plugins, but not immediately at run-time.
- Other situations that require optimal rendering performance.
WARNING: This feature is only supported for protocol schemes: data, http, and https.
If set to
, allows Mochi 2.0 to produce an HTML-formatted notification widget on screen, suggesting to the user that an app refresh/reload is necessary (e.g., when the built-in Service Worker downloads updated assets from the network). More information here.
Only applies when
. More information here.
If set to
(default), allows Mochi 2.0 to produce an HTML-formatted alert widget, indicating to the user that an operation is in progress and the app is busy (e.g., downloading network resources). More information here.
Only applies when
. More information here.
The following properties are available in the persistent Mochi 2.0 instance ($m
Property | Type | Description |
__body |
jQuery |
HTML <body> element. |
__container |
jQuery |
HTML #container element, if defined. |
__content |
jQuery |
HTML #content element, if defined. |
__head |
jQuery |
HTML <head> element. |
__href |
string |
Current window URL/address. |
__html |
jQuery |
HTML <html> element. |
__observer |
MutationObserver |
MutationObserver interface. |
__page_name |
string |
Current HTML document name (without extension). |
No framework is complete without the ability to extend its capabilities. For that reason we've added a couple of plugins to the standard distribution package. We recommend reviewing these plugins if you'd like to get started on adding your own enhancements.
Mochi 2.0 comes preloaded with specialized, but optional, plugins (or scripts) that further enhance the capabilities of your app. Currently, there are two official plugins available for use right out of the box. More plugins will be added in future releases, but in the meantime, we recommend you review each plugin listed below to get familiar with how to write your own.
Plugin | Description | Links |
Dialog | Enhanced dialog system powered by jQuery UI. | Documentation |
Veeva CLM Application | Adds Veeva CLM compatibility to Mochi. | Documentation |
Don't forget to head over to the demos folder to get familiar with everything Mochi 2.0 has to offer. The following demos are available in the latest standard distribution package:
Module | Demo | Description | Path |
API | Page/View States | Use the page/view states API to quickly alter the appearance and behavior of your app. | demo/api/states |
Plugin | Dialog | Quickly generate customizable dialog windows. | README |
Plugin | Veeva | Add Veeva CLM Compatibility. | README |
Because Mochi 2.0 is built with Bootstrap, learning to use it is as easy as digging into their official docs and mastering the awesome features provided by the framework. We encourage you to head on over to the official Bootstrap documentation to learn like a pro.
Happy coding!
Mochi 2.0 is licensed under the MIT license. (http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT)