Express way of using MVC for Express.js
This is a simple, lightweight, and in express way of building MVC framework on top of Express.JS
Models - This folder will contain your application's data models, which typically interact with the database. Each file corresponds to a different data entity (e.g., userModel.js, productModel.js).
Views - The views folder holds your application's presentation logic, usually in the form of HTML templates. These templates are rendered by the server and sent to the client.
Controllers - Controllers act as intermediaries between the model and view, handling user input and updating the view or model as necessary.
Assets - This folder is where you store static files such as images, CSS stylesheets, JavaScript scripts, and other assets like logos.
app.js - This is the main entry point of your application. It initializes the Express server, configures middleware, and starts the server.
config.js - This file stores configuration settings such as database credentials, API keys, and server port.
routes.js - This file defines the routing logic for your application. It maps URLs to controllers and actions.
|-- /assets
| |-- /images
| |-- /styles
| | |-- main.scss
| | |-- _variables.scss
| | |-- _mixins.scss
| |-- /scripts
|-- /controllers
| |-- userController.js
|-- /models
| |-- userModel.js
|-- /views
| |-- index.ejs
| |-- login.ejs
| |-- register.ejs
|-- app.js
|-- config.js
|-- routes.js
|-- package.json
- Add a sample home page (view page with good design) when starting to run the framework app
- Create a sample application (simple small project?)
- Add a database (sample working, maybe MongoDB)
- Add getting started on README file
- Add environment variables
- Create convention on controller and model file names (use RoR convention as guide)
- Create a CLI command for generating or automating the creation of the model, controller, etc
- Run project using 'npm run dev' instead of 'node app.js'
- Add TailwindCSS and Bootstrap for styling
- Run on TypeScript
- have app.js load the routes.js
- have routes.js load the appropriate controllers
- have the respective controller load the appropriate models
- have the respective controller load the appropriate view file
- Setting up the database (maybe MongoDB)
- Adding environment variable and example .env file on the project