File Dialog Tool is an activity which allows to browse through the file system of your device and pick file paths for loading or saving data.
An example of how to use this library in your own project can be found here: Example app mainActivity
Preview feature.
The first step is to prepare your Android Studio's 'build.gradle' files (Project level and module level). The second step is to allow the permissions needed by the app.
Project level
Under 'allprojects' insert the following line:
maven { url '' }
Module level (usually your 'app'- module)
Under 'dependencies' insert this line:
implementation 'com.github.codingbychanche:FileDialogTool:master-SNAPSHOT'
In the example above the 'SNAPHOT'- tag is used to download the latest version of the code, which may not be fully tested.
When started a dialog is opened asking for the required permission.
Finally add:
<activity android:name="berthold.filedialogtool.FileDialog"/>