This is our basic (prototype) integration of our cameras ORCA-Flash4.0 V3 Digital CMOS camera C13440-20CU, pco.edge 4.2 LT and Flir Chameleon 3 (former Point Grey) into labscript for absorption imaging.
- The device implementation consists of a two parts in a client-server architecture:
- The labscript device '', is placed in the folder 'labscript_suite/labscript_devices' and then imported in the labscript file as well as in the connection table
- The independent worker '' is to be run from command line (e.g. anaconda prompt) in python 2.7 and manages the communication with the specific device. In this way running a different python version and running it on a different machine is possible.
- This labscript device is written for an old version of labscript in python 2.7 (should be hopefully easily portable to python 3)
Labscript File:
""" Import labscript device """
from labscript_devices.Camera import Camera
Camera(name = 'PCOEDGE',
parent_device = docard,
connection = 'port2/line2',
BIAS_port = 77,
exposure_time = expose_t)
""" Take a picture """
PCOEDGE.expose(name = 'test_pic', t = t, frametype = 'test')
Connection Table:
""" Import labscript device """
from labscript_devices.Camera import Camera
Camera(name = 'PCOEDGE',
parent_device = docard,
connection = 'port2/line2',
BIAS_port = 77,
exposure_time = expose_t)