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RedStorm Gem v0.5.1 Documentation

colinsurprenant edited this page Jun 28, 2012 · 1 revision


Tested on OSX 10.6.8 and Linux 10.04 & 11.10 using Storm 0.7.1 and JRuby 1.6.7

Notes about 1.8/1.9 JRuby compatibility

Up until the upcoming JRuby 1.7, JRuby runs in 1.8 Ruby compatibility mode by default. Unless you have a specific need to run topologies in 1.8 mode, you should use 1.9 mode, which will become the default in JRuby. Things are a bit tricky with Storm/RedStorm. There are 3 contexts where the Ruby compatibility mode has to be controlled.

  • when installing the topology required gems. the installation path embeds the Ruby version
  • when running in local mode or for the submission phase in remote/cluster mode
  • when Storm runs the topology in remote/cluster mode

For each of these contexts, 1.9 mode has to be explicitly specified to avoid any problems. All commands/examples below will use the 1.9 compatibility mode. If you want to avoid the explicit --1.9 mode option, using [RVM][rvm] you can compile your JRuby to run in 1.9 mode by default. If you run your topology in remote/cluster mode, you will still need to include some bits of 1.9 options and configuration since in this case JRuby and your topology is run independently by Storm.


Latest released gem

$ gem install redstorm

From github master

  • clone/fork project
$ gem build redstorm.gemspec
$ gem install redstorm-x.y.z.gem

Usage overview

  • create a new empty project directory.
  • install the RedStorm gem.
  • create a subdirectory which will contain your sources.
  • perform the initial setup as described below to install the dependencies in the target/ subdir of your project directory.
  • run your topology in local mode and/or on a production cluster as described below.

Initial setup

  • install RedStom dependencies. From your project root directory execute:

    $ redstorm --1.9 install

    The install command will install all Java jars dependencies using [ruby-maven][ruby-maven] in target/dependency, generate & compile the Java bindings in target/classes and install gems in target/gems.

    DON'T PANIC it's Maven. The first time you run $ redstorm --1.9 install Maven will take a few minutes resolving dependencies and in the end will download and install the dependency jar files.

  • create a topology class in your sources subdirectory. The underscore topology_class_file_name.rb MUST correspond to its CamelCase class name.

Gems in your topology

RedStorm now support Bundler for using gems in your topology. Basically supply a Gemfile in the root of your project directory and execute this command to install the gems into the target/gems directory. Note that if you change the Gemfile you must rerun this command.

$ redstorm --1.9 bundle [--gemfile=GEMFILE]

All bundle install command options can be passed as options to redstorm --1.9 bundle like --gemfile=GEMFILE to specify a Gemfile in an alternate path.

Basically, the redstorm --1.9 bundle command installs the Bundler and Rake gems and all the gems specified in the Gemfile into the target/gems directory. The idea is that in order for the topology to run in a Storm cluster, everything, including the fully installed gems, must be packaged and self-contained into a single JAR file. This has an important consequence: the gems will not be installed on the cluster target machines, they are already installed in the JAR file. This could possibly lead to problems if the machine used to install the gems is of a different architecture than the cluster target machines and some of these gems have native C/FFI extensions.

Run in local mode

$ redstorm --1.9 local <path/to/topology_class_file_name.rb>

See examples below to run examples in local mode or on a production cluster.

Run on production cluster

  • generate target/cluster-topology.jar. This jar file will include your sources directory plus the required dependencies from the target/ directory:

    $ redstorm --1.9 jar <sources_directory1> <sources_directory2> ...
  • submit the cluster topology jar file to the cluster. Assuming you have the Storm distribution installed and the Storm bin/ directory in your path:

    storm jar ./target/cluster-topology.jar -Djruby.compat.version=RUBY1_9 redstorm.TopologyLauncher cluster <path/to/topology_class_file_name.rb>

    Note the -Djruby.compat.version=RUBY1_9 parameter.

Basically you must follow the Storm instructions to setup a production cluster and submit your topology to the cluster.


Install the example files in your project. The examples/ dir will be created in your project root dir.

$ redstorm examples

All examples using the simple DSL are located in examples/simple. Examples using the standard Java interface are in examples/native.

Local mode

$ redstorm --1.9 local examples/simple/exclamation_topology.rb
$ redstorm --1.9 local examples/simple/exclamation_topology2.rb
$ redstorm --1.9 local examples/simple/word_count_topology.rb

To run examples/simple/redis_word_count_topology.rb you need a [Redis][redis] server running on localhost:6379

$ redstorm --1.9 bundle --gemfile examples/simple/Gemfile

Run the topology in local mode

$ redstorm --1.9 local examples/simple/redis_word_count_topology.rb

Using redis-cli, push words into the test list and watch Storm pick them up

Production cluster

All examples using the simple DSL can also run on a productions cluster. The only native example compatible with a production cluster is the ClusterWordCountTopology

  • genererate the target/cluster-topology.jar and include the examples/ directory.

    $ redstorm --1.9 jar examples
  • submit the cluster topology jar file to the cluster, assuming you have the Storm distribution installed and the Storm bin/ directory in your path:

    $ storm jar ./target/cluster-topology.jar -Djruby.compat.version=RUBY1_9 redstorm.TopologyLauncher cluster examples/simple/word_count_topology.rb

    Note the -Djruby.compat.version=RUBY1_9 parameter.

  • to run examples/simple/redis_word_count_topology.rb you need a [Redis][redis] server running on localhost:6379

    $ redstorm --1.9 bundle --gemfile examples/simple/Gemfile
    $ redstorm --1.9 jar examples
    $ storm jar ./target/cluster-topology.jar -Djruby.compat.version=RUBY1_9 redstorm.TopologyLauncher cluster examples/simple/redis_word_count_topology.rb
    • using redis-cli, push words into the test list and watch Storm pick them up

Basically you must follow the Storm instructions to setup a production cluster and submit your topology to the cluster.

Ruby DSL

Ruby DSL Documentation

RedStorm Development

It is possible to fork the RedStorm project and run local and remote/cluster topologies directly from the project sources without installing the gem. This is a useful setup when contributing to the project.


  • JRuby 1.6.7


  • fork project and create branch

  • install required gems

    $ jruby --1.9 -S bundle install

  • install dependencies in target/dependencies

    $ bin/redstorm --1.9 deps

    if you modify any of the RedStorm Ruby code in lib/red_storm, you need to run this to refresh code in target/.

  • generate and build Java source into target/classes

    $ bin/redstorm --1.9 build

    if you modify any of the Java binding code, you need to run this to rebuild the bindings

  • run topology in local Storm mode

    $ bin/redstorm --1.9 local path/to/topology_class.rb

    If you only make changes to your topology code, this is the only step you need to repeat to try your updated code.

  • generate remote cluster topology jar into target/cluster-topology.jar, including the mydir/ directory.

    $ bin/redstorm --1.9 jar mydir otherdir1 otherdir2 ...

  • if you add/change Gemfile for your topology, install gems in target/gems. Alternate gemfile path can be specified using --gemfile=GEMFILE

    $ bin/redstorm --1.9 bundle [--gemfile=GEMFILE]

    do not forget to rerurn bin/redstorm --1.9 jar ... to pick up these gems, before submitting your topology on a remote cluster.