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Tool for testing db stuff

db_test is a tool for testing DB, DB methods and DB methods from python code.


  • Introduction_
  • How to start_
  • Local testing with Docker_
  • CLI commands_
  • Test Case Definition_
  • Test case extras_
  • Inheritance_
  • Run python DB tests_
  • Known issues_


db_test CLI tool allows to run test against some db.

How it works:

  • loads files with test scenarios and validate them
  • create DB from repository with DB files
  • run tests against created DB

Also please read Known issues_ section before the start.

How to start

Optionally prepare virtualenv for isolated test environment or install dependencies to root system. **NOTE: tool requires installed python3.5

.. code-block:: bash

sudo apt-get install virtualenv
virtualenv test_db --python python3.5
source test_db/bin/activate

Install dependencies and db_test:

.. code-block:: bash

git clone
cd pg_import
# Use the following workaround for now. It will be merged in master soon.
# Manually Apply diff from
# git fetch origin
# git checkout -b fixes origin/fixes
pip install -e .
cd ..
git clone
cd db_test
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .

Check that necessary tools were installed. Execute the following commands:

.. code-block:: bash

db_test --help
pg_import --help

After installation, tests can be run from examples directory on local machine by using Postgress cluster installed in Docker or on some remote Postgress cluster. The section below describes preparation steps for creating and running docker container locally. In case if you plan to use some other Posgres cluster, it can be skipped.

Local testing with Docker

db_test repository contains files for building Docker image with postgress cluster. These files are available in directory scripts/docker_postgres. To run it just execute the following commands from db_test directory:

.. code-block:: bash

# Install docker local
# sudo apt-get install docker
# Build docker image
docker build scripts/docker_postgres
docker run -d -p 5432:5432 <image_id from output of previous command>

Clone source code of repository with DB to comagic_db directory. It's necessary for correct work of the following command!

Then run examples from db_test repository with command:

.. code-block:: bash

DB directory have to be pre-created and placed to comgic_db directory as

mentioned above

db_test -u -t examples/ -d comagic:../comagic_db -h localhost -p 5432

**NOTE: running python (service) related tests requires installed service and its components. For example execution scenarios in file: examples/tests/python/ requires installed comagic_asi. If you want run only pure db tests, then remove or move out all data from examples/tests/python/ directory.


  • comagic is a name of DB for testing
  • ../comagic_db is a path to repository with DB files (data, schema, etc.)
  • localhost:5432 is a host an port of local Postrgress cluster in docker container
  • -u option enables special hooks for installation DB in container

CLI commands

The block below demostrates output of CLI "help" command.

.. code-block::

usage: db_test [--help] [-v] -d DB_NAME:DB_DIR -t TEST_DIR -h HOST -p PORT
               [-U USERNAME] [-b TEST] [-k] [-u]

Run test

optional arguments:
  --help                show this help message and exit
  -v, --verbose         verbose message
  -d DB_NAME:DB_DIR     directory with db (made by pg_export)
  -t TEST_DIR           directory with test definition
  -h HOST, --host HOST  host of PostgreSQL cluster
  -p PORT, --port PORT  port of PostgreSQL cluster
  -U USERNAME, --username USERNAME
                        username for connect to PostgreSQL cluster
  -b TEST, --break TEST
                        stop before TEST
  -k, --keep            do not drop database after tests
  -u, --use-docker      use docker or some other DB

By default script expects host and port from external postgress cluster. To use postgress runed in local docker container add flag -u.

By default a temporary DB created for running tests will be deleted after a testing. To change behavior and don't remove DB at the end, add flag -s.

Test Case Definition

Test directory (which you specify via "-t" option) should contain the following subdirectories:

  • data
  • tests

Where "data" contains subdirectories with name equals db_name specified via "-d" option. These subdirectories have files with sql commands for creating data in DB for testing. It can be some examples of real data or copy from production DB.

"tests" contains python files with definitions of test cases in JSON format. Test cases have to be defined via variable tests.

Following example demonstrates how test definition can look:

.. code-block:: python

tests = [
        'id': '1',
        'name': 'first test'
        'db': "test_db",
        'sql': "select * from tt where id = %(p1)s and val = %(p2)s",
        'params': {
            'p1': 1,
            'p2': 'one',
        'result': [{'id': 1, 'value': 'one'}],
        'id': '2',
        'name': 'second test'
        'parent': '1',
        'params': {
            'p1': 2,
            'p2': 'two',
        'result': [{'id': 2, 'value': 'two'}],
        'id': '3',
        'name': 'third test'
        'db': "test_db",
        'sql': "insert into tt(id, val) values (3, 'three')",
        'check_sql': "select * from tt order by id",
        'result': [
          {'id': 1, 'value': 'one'}
          {'id': 2, 'value': 'two'}
          {'id': 3, 'value': 'three'}
    'test_name4': {
        'id': '4',
        'name': 'fourth test'
        'db': "test_db",
        'sql': 'select 1/0',
        'expected_exception': '.*division by zero.*',
        'result': None

NOTE: all sql commands support several selects one by one, but only result of the last will be fetched and tested.

More examples are available in repository in directory: "examples".

Tests have schema of definition, which is described below.

required keys

- id
   Test identifier uses for ordering test before running; also may use in "parent" field

- name
   Short definition of test

- sql
   Defines 'sql' request for testing.

- result
   Result of execution of "sql" or "sql_check" in JSON format

- db
   Name of DB for testing, which was specified via "-d" CLI option

optional keys
  • expected_exception The test is considered to be passed when the regular expration expected_exception matches with the message of the expected error. If defined, value of required key "result" will be ignored

  • check_sql Defines 'sql' request for checking request specified in section sql.

  • params List of paramaters which will be inserted in the "sql" request.

  • parent In case, when some test has the same sql request but with different parameters this section can be used for minimization copy-paste. Using this option will create new test with copy of parameters from parent test case. NOTE: parent now supports several levels of inheritance. See details in Inheritance section.

  • cleanup Option for 'sql' request which remove data created by execution first 'sql' query.

  • description detailed description of test

Test case extras

Some tests may require some specific data types on input. For example it can be datetime or JSON object. Such issues should be solved by using python libriraies. Snippet below demostrates it:

.. code-block:: python

import json
import datetime

tests = [
        'id': '1',
        'name': 'test_name1',
        'db': "test_db",
        'sql': "select * from tt where start_date = %(p1)s and val = %(p2)s",
        'params': {
            'p1': datetime.datetime(1, 2, 3),
            'p2': 321,
        'result': [1,2,3],
        'id': '2',
        'name': 'test_name2',
        'db': "test_db",
        'sql': "select tt.load_values(%(p1)s)",
        'check_sql': "select num from tt",
        'params': {
            'p1': json.dumps([{'num': 789}]),
        'result': [789],


Using parent option allows to copy-paste some options from test specified in this option. db_test allows to have deep inheritance, when A is a parent of B, B is a parent of C, etc. In such case test's options will be overwritten in the following order:

  • Options of the B test case will overwrite options of the A test case.
  • Options of the C test case will overwrite options of the B test case.
  • The last will be applied options of the current test case.

.. code-block:: python

tests = [
        'id': '1',
        'name': 'test_name1',
        'db': "test_db",
        'sql': "select * from tt where start_date = %(p1)s and val = %(p2)s",
        'params': {
            'p1': 'val1',
            'p2': 321,
        'result': [1,2,3],
        'id': '2',
        'name': 'test_name2',
        'parent': '1',
        'params': {
            'p1': 789,
            'p2': 321,
        'result': [789],
        'id': '3',
        'name': 'test_name3',
        'parent': '2',
        'sql': "select * from dd where key1 = %(p1)s and key2 = %(p2)s and key3 = %(p3)s",
        'params': {
            'p3': 42
        'result': [111],
        'id': '4',
        'name': 'test_name4',
        'parent': '1',

According example above:

  • test_name4 will run totally the same test as test_name1.
  • test_name3 will use params from test_name2.
  • test_name2 will use sql from test_name1.
  • All tests except test_name1 will use db mentioned in test_name1.

Run python DB tests

Different services have different approaches to work with DB:

  • Use different paramaters for initialization
  • Use synchronous and asynchronous methods
  • May requires different way for initialization

In light of issues mentioned above common implementation of tests is not possible. So the alternative solution is implementation plug-in approach, which is described below.

db_test runs python tests from the *.py files. These tests have big differnece with db tests, but similar on classic Python unittests.

Rules for writing python DB tests

- *__init__* method can be overwritten only if new will call parent
  *__init__* method. Also new *__init__* have to expects first positional
  parameter for getting dict with *db_credentials* from test runner methods.

- Tests should be groupped in Test class inherited from **Adapter** class,
  which is available in **db_test** repository.

- Test class should contains method **init_db** with logic for initialization
  class DB class, i.e. class with contains methods for communication with DB.

- **Adapter** class contains one attribute: *self.creds*, which have to be
  used for initializationg Db class. It includes the following options:
  * 'host' - host with test DB
  * 'port' - port with test DB
  * 'db_names' - name of test DB
  By default DB has a "user" **postgres** with empty password.

- All real tests have to have prefix **test_**. All other methods without
  prefix**db_test** will be ignored by **test_** as support methods.

- For check purposes all methods have to use **assert** commands with
  description of error, otherwise test will fail without error message.

- All custom checks should contains *asserts* with error messages.

- Adapter also provides build-in checks with defined error message:
  * self.assertEqual(expected, actual), which simply compare values.

Example below demonstrates all rules mentioned before.

.. code-block:: python

    from db_test import adapter
    from comagic_asi.sync_worker.model import model

    class Test(adapter.Adapter):
        def init_db(self):
            connection_str = (
                "postgres://%(user)s@%(host)s:%(port)s/%(db_name)s" %
                {'user': 'postgres',
                 'host': self.creds['host'],
                 'port': self.creds['port'],
                 # choose only first, becuase we create only comagic_* db
                 'db_name': self.creds['db_names'][0],
            self.m = model.Model(max_conn=1, connection_string=connection_str)

        def assertRecords(self, expected, actual):
            assert len(expected) == len(actual), (
                "Length for expected %s is not equal to actual %s" %
                (len(expected), len(actual)))
            formatted_actual = [
                    {k: getattr(val, k)  for k in val._fields}
                    for val in actual
            assert expected == formatted_actual, (
                "Expected:\n %s\ndoes not match Actual:\n %s" %
                (expected, formatted_actual))

        def test_get_yandex_metrika_clients_with_params(self):
            expected = [
                {'site_id': 2400, 'app_id': 1103, 'access_token': 'auth1',
                 'counter_id': 7766, 'counter_ext_id': '36790255'}
            params = {
                'app_id': 1103,
                'site_id': 2400
            res = self.m.get_ym_clients(**params)
            # custom assert method
            self.assertRecords(expected, res)

        def test_get_yandex_metrika_clients_no_data(self):
            expected = []
            params = {
                'app_id': 777,
                'site_id': 777
            res = self.m.get_ym_clients(**params)
            # build-in assert method
            self.assertEqual(expected, res)

Known issues

1. pg_import by default does not have one required patch:
   So it have to be installed manually.
2. Some preparation steps are done by docker scripts and have to updated
   according new roles in DB. (It requires re-bulding docker image)
3. pg_import wrongly translate *AS* word in data/public/country.sql file.
   To fix it change it to *as* in your repository.
4. File schema/amocrm/tables/account.sql contains wrong line about unknown
   table *amocrm*. It have to be replaced on:

5. Running python tests, requires installation of corresponding service and
   its dependencies, otherwise it leads to some errors during importing Model
   class and python DB methods.