A collection of utilities and games that I wrote.
Language files blank comment code
C 9 205 118 1080
Python 5 45 84 811
Markdown 10 81 0 299
OCaml 1 54 126 156
make 3 59 15 89
C/C++ Header 4 34 23 72
Shell 8 13 16 69
SUM: 40 491 382 2576
A script that allows you to clone a git repository without downloading all files and folders. This is useful if you only need a few files from a large repository.
A python module that contains a few functions that allow you to format your output. i.e. bold, italic, error, blinking, etc.
A python script that allows you to encrypt and decrypt a text using the Trithemius Cipher.
A C program that allows you to automatically decrypt a text using the Cesar Code.
The beginning of a typing game written in C and using ncurses for a text based GUI.
A wordle CLI game written in python.
A blackjack game written in python.
A programm based on linux cowsay. It allows you to print a cow with a custom message and has a few options and games.
A game of dames written in oCaml.