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Make streams2 read-only

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Wraps any kind of stream to behave like a Readable Stream. This is a pure Stream2 implementation which respects highWaterMark and saturation of piped streams.

Works with node v0.8.x and greater. For node v0.8.x the user-land copy readable-stream is used. For all other node versions greater v0.8.x the built-in stream module is used.

Credits go to read-only-stream.


let through = require('streamss').Through
let readonly = require('streamss-readonly')

let th = through()
let ro = readonly(th)

th.write('hello world')

// ro.write('this throws')



Converts any stream into a read-only stream


  • {Readable | Transform | Duplex} stream - A stream which shall behave as a Readable only stream.


{Readable} - A read-only readable stream


  • {Error} "not a readable stream" - if stream does not implement a Readable component this error is thrown

Contribution and License Agreement

If you contribute code to this project, you are implicitly allowing your code to be distributed under the MIT license. You are also implicitly verifying that all code is your original work or correctly attributed with the source of its origin and licence.

npm scripts

  • npm test - Run tests
  • npm run cover - Run istanbul code coverage (shows code coverage; open ./coverage/lcov-report/index.html after run)
  • npm run lint - Linting the source
  • npm run doc - Generate documentation from source (open ./doc/index.html after run)


Copyright (c) 2015- commenthol (MIT License)

See LICENSE for more info.