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Rails Layout

bri25yu edited this page Nov 29, 2022 · 1 revision

Where can I find what I'm looking for?


Path Description
app/ The rails application
app/assets/ Common assets (CSS stylesheets, JS, images, fonts)
app/controllers/ Page controllers (MVC logic)
app/helpers/ Various scripts
app/mailers/ Uh emails I guess
app/models/ Database models (MVC data)
app/views/ Page views (MVC presentation)
config/ Routing, deploy, solr (search) config
db/ Database schema, seed data, and migrations
lib/ Various utility files
private/ (Mostly) empty folders for holding private content (resumes)
public/ Common pages (e.g. 404 page)
script/ Ruby scripts for one-shot tasks
solr/ Solr (search) stuff
spec/ Ruby specification tests
vagrant/ Vagrant (VM) setup config

Config files

File Description
Capfile Capistrano task definition (mostly in other files tho)
Gemfile Gem (Ruby package) dependencies
Gemfile.lock Gem dependencies, pinned to a specific version
LICENSE Make sure we don't get sued (Try to) introduce people
Rakefile Ruby task definitions (run with Rake)
Vagrantfile Vagrant (VM) main config Unicorn (Ruby web server) config
run Systemd run script

Rails MVC


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