Rick Sanchez's travel schedule problem is a scenario where we have a list of planets to visit, each with their own name and time to visit, and we also have a maximum time allocated to visit planets on a month. From this information, we need to organize an agenda with the planets to be visited each month so that:
- The number of planets visited in a month is always greater than or equal to the number of planets visited in a month later.
- Planets are visited within a month following the alphabetical order of their names.
The objective of this work is to implement an algorithm capable of organizing such a schedule in a timely manner for large lists of planets. The following algorithm architecture is built using a vector of planets, a month row, and merge sort ordering.
├── build
├── docs
| ├── relatorio.pdf
| └── spec.pdf
├── include
| ├── cell.hpp
| ├── month.hpp
| ├── planet.hpp
| ├── queue.hpp
| └── trabel_guide.hpp
├── output
├── src
| ├── cell.cpp
| ├── month.cpp
| ├── planet.cpp
| ├── queue.cpp
| └── trabel_guide.cpp
├── tests
| ├── 00.in
| ├── 00.out
| ├── ...
| ├── 29.in
| └── 29.out
├── .gitignore
├── main.cpp
├── makefile
├── README.md
└── run_tests.sh
$ make
: Compile source code$ make run
: Execute aplication$ make mem
: Execute aplication and show memory allocation logs$ make clean
: Clean build output$ make test
: Run tests