You need an AWS account
Install Pyhton 3.7 And AWS CLI
Configure AWS CLI documentation here
install make
To deploy this stack you need to create some component manually.
First, you need a S3 Bucket
On EC2 service, you need to create a key pair to access to your server thought SSH
Configure a public hosted zone
Create a role for cloudformation
export Profile= export InfraBucket= export PackageBucket= export BaseDomain= export KeyPair= export RoleArn= export Region=
cd infra
make deploy
Your code will be deployed using AWS CodeDeploy
Prepare the package running : composer --no-dev
Prepare your durpal configuration
Prepare a tar.gz package.
run deployement :
export version=<My destination package version>
export PACKAGE_PATH=<local package location>
aws --profile $Profile \
s3 cp $PACKAGE_PATH s3://$PackageBucket/$version.tar.gz
deploymentId=`aws --region $Region --profile $Profile \
deploy create-deployment \
--application-name $appName \
--s3-location bucket=$PackageBucket,key=$version.tar.gz,bundleType=tgz \
--deployment-group-name app \
--description "Deployment app related to commit $version" \
--query 'deploymentId' --output text`
echo "Deployment start with ID $deploymentId"
aws --profile $Profile --region $Region \
deploy wait deployment-successful \
--deployment-id $deploymentId
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