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dependencies is a Flutter package for managing dependencies and initializing them before the app starts. It provides easy access to dependencies and logs initialization times for performance tracking.


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depend is a library for dependency management in Flutter applications. It provides a convenient way to initialize and access services and repositories via InheritedWidget.

Features 🚀

  • Dependency Initialization: Prepare all dependencies before the app launches.
  • Global Access: Access dependencies from anywhere in the widget tree.
  • Parent Dependencies Support: Easily create nested or connected dependencies.
  • Ease of Use: Integrate the library into existing code with minimal changes.

Table of Contents

  1. Depend
  2. Features 🚀
  3. Installation
  4. Usage Examples
  5. Migration Guide
  6. Code Coverage


Add the library to the pubspec.yaml of your project:

  depend: ^latest_version

Install the dependencies:

flutter pub get

Usage Examples

Example 1: Simple Initialization

Step 1: Define the Dependency

Create a class that extends DependencyContainer and initialize your dependencies:

class RootContainer extends DependencyContainer {
  final ApiService apiService;

  RootContainer({required this.apiService});

  void dispose() {

Step 2: Define the DependencyFactory

Create a class that extends DependencyContainer and initialize your dependencies:

class RootDependencyFactory extends DependencyFactory<RootContainer> {
  Future<RootContainer> create() async {
    return RootContainer(
      apiService: await ApiService.initialize(),
  // or

  RootContainer create() {
     return RootContainer(
        apiService: ApiService.initialize(),

Step 3: Use DependencyScope

Wrap your app in a DependencyScope to provide dependencies:

void main() {
    DependencyScope<RootContainer, RootFactory>(
       factory: RootFactory(), 
       placeholder: const Center(child: CircularProgressIndicator()), 
       builder: (BuildContext context) => const MyApp(),

Step 4: Access the Dependency in a Widget

You can now access the dependency using DependencyProvider anywhere in the widget tree:

class MyWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    final apiService = DependencyProvider.of<RootContainer>(context).apiService;

    return FutureBuilder(
      future: apiService.getData(),
      builder: (context, snapshot) {
        if (snapshot.connectionState == ConnectionState.waiting) {
          return const CircularProgressIndicator();
        } else if (snapshot.hasError) {
          return Text('Error: ${snapshot.error}');

        return Text('Data: ${}');

Example 2: DependencyProvider

final RootContainer dep = await RootFactory().create();

  dependency: dep,
  builder: () => YourWidget();
  // or
  child: YourWidget()

class YourWidget extends StatelessWidget {
  Widget build(BuildContext) {
    root = DependencyProvider.of<RootContainer>(context);

Example 3: DependencyScope

DependencyScope<RootContainer, RootFactory>(
      factory: RootFactory(),
      builder: (BuildContext context) => Text('Inject'),
      placeholder: Text('Placeholder'),
      errorBuilder: (Object? error) => Text('Error'),

Migration Guide

link to migrate versions

Code Coverage



dependencies is a Flutter package for managing dependencies and initializing them before the app starts. It provides easy access to dependencies and logs initialization times for performance tracking.








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