Diff: v3.0.0...v3.1.0
- used trait SmartObject [d852fba]
- add calculators, refactoring [fixed #7][BC break] [0cd19ab]
- Invoice: add methods send, createResponse. generatePreview moved to PreviewFactory [6670823]
- contributte [030c9ef]
- Travis CI: fix badge, create missing directories for tests (#8) [163e40f] (@Roman3349)
- add use Data\Order [1046aa1]
- use nette/schema [9735036]
- add method IRenderer::getSource [9a66a7b]
- add event onBuild to DefaultTemplate [afa37b6]
- DefaultTemplate: itemsPerPage is variable [e89a13e]
- Add master alias [577cec3] (@mabar)
- PreviewFactory: add createCompany() [c95dde1] (@MartkCz)
- update readme [1f5afa3] (@MartkCz)
- ITemplate removed __constructor [0fcf6bb] (@MartkCz)
- DefaultTemplate: replace Formatter with interface IFormatter [fixes #14] [e10ddbc] (@MartkCz)
- license [69dd6d8] (@MartkCz)
- add ide ignore [309a8f2] (@MartkCz)
- fixed tests, php < 7.3 bug [a8b6d5b] (@MartkCz)
- docs [e64d9f7] (@MartkCz)
- readme translation section [0098b91] (@MartkCz)
- customize colors, font [a6eb48e] (@MartkCz)
- fixes [43a40bf] (@adaamz)
- update phpstan [141da95] (@adaamz)
- install & run phpstan in CI [589383f] (@adaamz)
- Std [004]: kodiak [a67448f] (@f3l1x)
- Maintenance: codeception, github actions, phpstan, coveralls [e3f1e2b] (@petrparolek)
- Readme: cover images, badges [f778daf] (@f3l1x)
- Codestyle: improvements (#30) [fcb0985, d27567a] (@petrparolek)