#Source and demo http://tarampampam.github.io/jquery.textmistake/
Copy extension to application.extensions
#How to use
<? $this->widget('ext.textmistake.TextMistakeWidget');?>
#Supported options
'l10n': {
'title': 'Report a typo author:',
'urlHint': 'Url of the page with error:',
'errTextHint': 'Text with the error:',
'yourComment': 'Your comment:',
'userComment': 'Comment by user:',
'commentPlaceholder': 'Type comment',
'cancel': 'Cancel',
'send': 'Send',
'mailSubject': 'Typo on the site',
'mailTitle': 'Typo on the site',
'mailSended': 'Notification sent',
'mailSendedDesc': 'Your notification has been sent successfully. Thank you for your feedback!',
'mailNotSended': 'Sending error',
'mailNotSendedDesc': 'Your message has not been sent, sorry.',
'debug': false,
'initCss': true,
'initHtml': true,
'overlayColor': '#666',
'overlayOpacity': 0.5,
'windowZindex': 10001,
'hideBodyScroll': true,
'textLimit': 400,
'contextLength': 40,
'closeOnEsc': true,
'mailTo': '',
'mailFrom': 'textmistake@'+window.location.hostname,
'mandrillKey': '',
'sendmailUrl': '',
'animateSpeed': 0,
'autocloseTime': 10000,
'onShow': function(state){},
'onHide': function(state){},
'onLoadingShow': function(state){},
'onLoadingHide': function(state){},
'onCtrlEnter': function(){},
'onEscPressed': function(){},
'onSendMail': function(response){},
'onAjaxDone': function(response){},
'onAjaxResultError': function(response){},
'onAjaxSendError': function(response){},