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COS316, Assignment 6/Final Project: Secure Object Relational Mapper (Secure DORM)

Extensions for Final Project

For the final project, we remove a few of the original expectations from Assignment 6. Please select some portion of the project to deviate from. For example, instead of creating capabilities, explore using join tables for permissions, or examine whether it's possible to create more fine-grained capabilities, such as update/create/delete permissions. You are free to deviate from the original specification however you would like and we expect some modification to the original design, as well as a clear explanation of why you modified the design.

Since the design may deviate from the original, the graderbot tests will not work, so its expected that you create your own tests and demonstrate that your implementation is correct. The existing tests can be used as a starting point for your own tests.

Secure Dopey Object Relational Mapper (Secure DORM)

This project asks you to extend the Dopey Object Relational Mapper (DORM) that you built in assignment 4, with a focus on security. As a reminder, the ORM you built translates language-level objects---Go structs---to and from a "relational mapping"---a SQLite database. In this assignment you will use capabilities to allow applications to enforce a security policy about who can read and write objects in the database.

For example, assume that we have an application that keeps track of users and their posts. In the application code, we would have a Go struct modeling each user:

type User struct {
    ID       int64 `dorm:"primary_key"`
    Username string

This would translate into the database schema below:

create table user (
    id integer primary key autoincrement,
    username text

where the id is a primary key and username is some user-specified string identifier.

Your DORM implementation from assignment 4 allowed a programmer to do something like the following:

// Create two new users
user1 := &User{
    Username: "alevy",

user2 := &User{
    Username: "wlloyd",

// Insert the users into the database

// Get all users
allUsers := []User{}

for _, user := range allUsers {
    fmt.Printf("Found user %s\n", user.Username)

The problem is that by using the DORM interface, code executing on behalf of any user will have access to all of the user data in the user table when calling Find(). For example, if code executing in a web server in response to a request by user alevy calls Find(), it will return user structs for alevy and wlloyd. This creates creates a potential vulnerabilty where user alevy may be able to extract wlloyd's sensitive information (e.g., encrypted password) from the application. In this assignment, you'll use capabilities to design a set of policies that protect against this, by specifying what actions a user can perform.

For example, assuming the wlloyd user is already created in the database, we can modify the code above to use capabilities to enforce this security policy as follows:

dorm := NewSecureDB(...)

// Create user and set root capability
// allowing them to read and write their
// own user object.
user := &User{
    Username: "alevy",

// Get user's capability by username
cap := dorm.GetCapability("alevy")


// Get users from's Alevy's capability
users := []User{}
dorm.Find(cap, &users)

for _, user := range users {
    fmt.Printf("Found user %s\n", user.Username)

In the code above, we expect that allUsers only contains alevy's user struct, even though both alevy and wlloyd exist the database.

Expressing Security Policies

How you choose to represent security policies is up to you. As an example, you can extend Go's struct tags: consider the following user struct, which is the same as the one above:

type User struct {
    ID       int64 `dorm:"primary_key" cap:""`
    Username string

The cap tag will be used by your capabilities (more details on them below) to control how read and write permissions are evaluated for each object type. Here, the empty value (as denoted by the "") indicates that a user's ID field is used to determine whether a capability allows the caller to read or write the object. Consider the following example:

user := &User{
    ID:       1,
    Username: "alevy",

cap := dorm.GetCapability(user)

cap.CanRead(user) // Should return true

user.ID = 7
cap.CanRead(user) // Should return false

Because the user object's ID field no longer matches alevy's, it returns false.

Unfortunately, this simple case does not map well to all security policies that an application may want to express. For instance, consider a user's posts. A microblogging application may want a user to be able to read all posts from the users that they follow. It is not clear how to express this policy in terms of post IDs.

Fortunately, we can use the flexibility of Go's struct tags to extend the idea above and express this more complicated policy. For example, consider the following post struct:

type Post struct {
	ID     int64 `dorm:"primary_key"`
	UserID int64 `cap:"read=User.ID"`
	Text   string

Here, the cap tag has an associated value read=User.ID. Since the cap tag is on the UserID field, this tag indicates that a post should be readable if the capability permits the caller to read the user ID that is stored in the post's UserID field. Again, to make this concrete, consider the following example code:

user := &User{
    ID:       1,
    Username: "alevy",

post := &Post{
    ID:       100,
    UserID:   1,
    Text:     "Hello world!",

cap := dorm.GetCapability("alevy")

cap.CanRead(post) // Should return true

post.UserID = 7
cap.CanRead(post) // Should return false

Note that the first call to CanRead() is true even though user alevy's root capability (more info on root capabilities below), only included permissions to read and write alevy's user struct. In this way, the application allows that once we have the capability to read a user's struct, we can also read all of their posts.

More generally, the tag value can include one or both of read=<struct name>.<field name> and write=<struct name>.<field name>. If it includes both, then the two will be separated by a semicolon, for example, cap:"read=User.ID;write=User.ID".

Capabilities API

As an example of a possible implementable API, we provide a set of template interfaces for creating and manipulating capabilities.

The secure_dorm package (in cap_manager.go) includes two interfaces, Capability and CapabilityManager, which are defined as follows:

 * Capability is a structure that encodes information about which
 * objects a user can read or write.
type Capability struct {

 * Given a capability and an object, calling cap.CanRead(object) returns
 * true if the capability permits the user to read the object. CanRead
 * expects that its argument is a pointer to a struct.
 * To be explicit, `object` will have type: *MyStruct,
 * where MyStruct is any arbitrary struct subject to the restrictions
 * discussed later in this document.
 * Example usage to test if the caller can read a post object:
 *    type Post struct = { ... }
 *    cap := ...
 *    post := &Post{}
 *    ok := cap.CanRead(post)
func (cap *Capability) CanRead(object interface{}) bool

 * Given a capability and an object, calling cap.CanWrite(object) returns
 * true if the capability permits the user to write to the object.
 * As mentioned in the description of CanRead, the argument `object`
 * will be a pointer to a model.
func (cap *Capability) CanWrite(object interface{}) bool

 * The capability manager allows users to create and modify capabilities.
type CapabilityManager struct {

 * Creates a new instance of a capability manager.
func NewCapabilityManager() *CapabilityManager

 * A root capability sets up a user's initial permissions. Given a unique username and
 * two slices of pointers to objects, cm.SetRootCapability(username, readSet, writeSet)
 * associates a root capability with the username. The root capability is expected to allow
 * reading and writing all objects in readSet and writeSet, respectively. For instance,
 * a newly created user's root capability might just include the ability to read and write
 * their own user object. Thus, after creating the new object, the user's root capability
 * would be set by `cm.SetRootCapability(user.Username, []interface{user}, []interface{user}).`
func (cm *CapabilityManager) SetRootCapability(username string, readSet []interface{}, writeSet []interface{})

 * Given a unique username, cm.GetRootCapability(username) returns the user's
 * root capability (or nil if one has not yet been set). A root capability is the user's initial
 * set of permissions. For instance, a newly created user's root capability might
 * just include the ability to read and write their own user object.
func (cm *CapabilityManager) GetRootCapability(username string) *Capability

 * Given a capability and an object, cm.AddReadCapability(cap, object) returns a new capability
 * that includes all capabilities of cap plus the ability to read object. That is, if newCap is
 * the new capability, then calling newCap.CanRead(object) should return true. Note, however, that
 * the original capability should not be modified, so calling cap.CanRead(object) should still
 * return false. Similarly, root capabilities should not change.
func (cm *CapabilityManager) AddReadCapability(cap *Capability, object interface{}) *Capability

 * Given a capability and an object, cm.AddWriteapCability(cap, object) returns a new capability
 * that includes all capabilities of cap plus the ability to write object. Like mentioned above
 * for `AddReadCapability()`, the original capability and all root capabilities should not be modified.
func (cm *CapabilityManager) AddWriteCapability(cap *Capability, object interface{}) *Capability

 * Given a capability and an object, cm.RemoveReadCapability(cap, object) returns a new capability
 * that includes all capabilities of cap minus the ability to read object. Like mentioned above
 * for `AddReadCapability()`, the original capability and all root capabilities should not be modified.
func (cm *CapabilityManager) RemoveReadCapability(cap *Capability, object interface{}) *Capability

 * Given a capability and an object, cm.RemoveWriteCapability(cap, object) returns a new capability
 * that includes all capabilities of cap minus the ability to write object. Like mentioned above
 * for `AddReadCapability()`, the original capability and all root capabilities should not be modified.
func (cm *CapabilityManager) RemoveWriteCapability(cap *Capability, object interface{}) *Capability

For the Capability, you will be required to implement the following functions: CanRead() and CanWrite().

For the CapabiltyManager, you will be required to implement the following functions: NewCapabilityManager(), GetRootCapability(), SetRootCapability(), AddReadCapability(), AddWriteCapability(), RemoveReadCapability(), and RemoveWriteCapability().


Once you've implemented the code to create and manipulate capabilities, you can then use it to implement your secure DORM interface. The secure_dorm package exposes the following API:

// SecureDB handle
type SecureDB struct {
	inner DB
	cm    *CapabilityManager

// NewSecureDB returns a new SecureDB. It wraps a db object that
// implements the DB interface (e.g., the implementation in dorm.go).
// It also takes a capability manager to enforce secure access to
// the SQL database.
func NewSecureDB(db DB, cm *CapabilityManager) *SecureDB

// Close closes db's database connection.
func (db *SecureDB) Close() error

// Find returns all rows in a given table that the capability `cap`
// allows the caller to read. It stores all matching rows in the
// slice provided as an argument.
// The argument `result` will be a pointer to an empty slice of models.
// To be explicit, it will have type: *[]MyStruct,
// where MyStruct is any arbitrary struct subject to the restrictions
// discussed later in this document.
// You may assume the slice referenced by `result` is empty.
// Example usage to find all UserComment entries in the database:
//    type UserComment struct = { ... }
//    cap := ...
//    result := []UserComment{}
//    db.Find(cap, &result)
func (db *SecureDB) Find(cap *Capability, result interface{})

// First queries a database for the first row in a table that the
// capability `cap` allows the caller to read. Note that this may not
// be the first row in the table. It stores the matching row in the
// struct provided as an argument. If no such entry exists, First
// returns false; else it returns true.
// The argument `result` will be a pointer to a model.
// To be explicit, it will have type: *MyStruct,
// where MyStruct is any arbitrary struct subject to the restrictions
// discussed later in this document.
// Example usage to find the first UserComment entry in the database:
//    type UserComment struct = { ... }
//    cap := ...
//    result := &UserComment{}
//    ok := db.First(cap, result)
func (db *SecureDB) First(cap *Capability, result interface{})

// Create adds the specified model to the appropriate database table
// if the capability `cap` allows the caller to write the object.
// The table for the model *must* already exist, and Create() should
// panic if it does not.
// Create returns true if the model/object was successfully created;
// otherwise it returns false.
func (db *SecureDB) Create(cap *Capability, model interface{}) bool

You will be required to implement the following functions: Find(), First(), and Create().

The functions NewDB and Close are provided for you. There is no need to modify these functions for your implementation, although you are welcome to if it will help your implementation.

You'll notice that SecureDB wraps a DB object. This DB object exposes the insecure DORM interface, and an implementation of the interface is provided to you in dorm.go. This way, you should not have to re-implement most of the functionality from assignment 4.

In particular, the DB interface is defined as follows:

 * The DB interface implemented by DORM.
type DB interface {
	// DORM Close
	Close() error

	// DORM ToUnderscoreCase
	ToUnderscoreCase(n string) string

	// (Insecure) DORM Find
	Find(result interface{})

	// (Insecure) DORM First
	First(result interface{}) bool

	// (Insecure) DORM Create
	Create(model interface{})

Reflection Tips

To further remove some of the pains of using Go's reflect package, we have provided you with two utility functions, which can be found in utils.go. You are not required to use either of these functions but may find them useful when implementing SecureDB. Their definitions and descriptions are below:

 * Given a pointer to a slice of structs, returns a pointer to a new slice
 * of the same type.
func NewSliceFromSlice(result interface{}) interface{}

 * Given a pointer to a struct, returns a pointer to a new slice of
 * structs of the same type.
func NewSliceFromStruct(result interface{}) interface{}

Separately, when interacting with struct tags through the reflection API, we recommend that you carefully read about the different between StructTag.Get() and StructTag.Lookup().

Finally, to simplify the presentation of some of the code examples above, we used the syntax []interface{object}. Unforunately, this is not actually valid Go code and thus will not compile. The reason why is unimportant, but you can achieve the desired result using two lines of code. For instance,

var list []interface{}
list = append(list, object)

Restrictions on Structs

Similar to the DORM assignment, we will make several simplifying assumptions about the sorts of structs that make valid DB models.

In particular:

  • You may assume that the fields of structs will all be primitive types (e.g. string, int, int64, bool, ...). This means you need not worry about map, slice, or struct types being included as fields. Primitive types are handled natively by the sql library we are using, so you should not have to do any special work to support these types. In contrast, map, slice, or nested struct types add complexity to the ORM implementation, so you are not responsible for supporting them.
  • You may assume there will be no nested structs in your models.
  • You may assume that all field names will be in a valid camelCase or CamelCase format.
  • If any of the fields of the model provided to Create() are tagged with dorm:"primary_key", you should assume that the type of that field will be int64.
  • You can assume that only one field of any model argument will have a cap tag.


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