Initially developed with tweaking the COSMIC(tm) desktop in mind, it could work for any client that have installed a compatible JSON Schema and using a format compatible with this app.
Current formats supported
- Cosmic ron
- Json
Currently, only 2 crates are relevant
- configurator: the APP
- configurator_schema: the crate client can use to generate a JSON schema that respect the spec
- Plug the config system of COSMIC
- Full compatibility with the config
- Provider for ron syntax in multiple files
- Ron serializer
- Better API to define the JSON Schema (system/home paths, ect.., define the spec)
- Provide an option to install the schema from the app (and hopefully upsteam it when we are in a good shape)
- UI to create a value (this will be difficult, but it should be possible)
- Improve the UI a lot
- polish the code (test more complex structure)
- release as a flatpak app
- file watcher
- explore more pattern to define config in client code
- JSON Schema 1 to 1 compliance (pass the entire test suite, currently ~ 335/862 test passed)
- ...
As you see, this is quite a lot of works, so if anyone is interested, please reach out
All the cosmic panel config modifiable in the app.
Created by @wiiznokes