hello, i am cottoncammy, a JVM programmer who enjoys Kotlin, reactive programming, and server-side development, particularly in the cloud-native enterprise Java ecosystem (i ❤️ Quarkus). i consider myself to be very knowledgeable in the lands of Java, Maven, and Jakarata EE specs.
- can write Python scripts and Dockerfiles with Google's help
- knows what microservices and message brokers are
- very ok at TypeScript
i am working on...
- improving and maintaining DisQuark
- sharpening my DSA knowledge
- developing my personal website
i am learning about...
- Gradle
- Kotlin Coroutines
- Kotlin Multiplatform
these languages...
- Rust
- OCaml
- Zig
- Swift
these technologies...
- Spring Boot
- Kafka
- React Native
- Vulkan
- Jetpack Compose
these paradigms...
- game development
- mobile development
gaming, writing, and the pursuit of new knowledge 🗿