-Fix ExcludeFromCodeCoverage attribute bugs #129 and #670 with #671 by https://github.com/matteoerigozzi
-Fix bug with nested types filtering #689
-Fix Coverage Issue - New Using + Async/Await + ConfigureAwait #669
-Improve branch detection for lambda functions and async/await statements #702 by https://github.com/matteoerigozzi
-Improve coverage, hide compiler generated branches for try/catch blocks inside async state machine #716 by https://github.com/matteoerigozzi
-Improve coverage, skip lambda cached field #753
-Trim whitespace between values when reading from configuration from runsettings #679 by https://github.com/EricStG
-Code improvement, flow ILogger to InstrumentationHelper #727 by https://github.com/daveMueller
-Add support for line branch coverage in OpenCover format #772 by https://github.com/costin-zaharia