-Attribute exclusion does not work if attribute name does not end with "Attribute" #884 by https://github.com/bddckr
-Fix deterministic build+source link bug #895
-Fix anonymous delegate compiler generate bug #896
-Fix incorrect branch coverage with await ValueTask #949 by https://github.com/alexthornton1
-Fix switch pattern coverage #1006
-Skip autoprops feature #912
-Exclude code that follows [DoesNotReturn] from code coverage #904 by https://github.com/kevin-montrose
-CoverletReport MSBuild variable containing coverage filenames #932 by https://github.com/0xced
-Add Visual Studio Add-In #954 by https://github.com/FortuneN
-Remove workaround for deterministic build for sdk >= 3.1.100 #965
-Allow standalone coverlet usage for integration/end-to-end tests using .NET tool driver #991
-Support .NET Framework(>= net461) for in-process data collectors #970