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This script is to calculate the raw token imbalances before and after a settlement. The raw token imbalances are stored in the raw_token_imbalances table. Additionally, coingecko prices for fetchable token addresses at the time of transaction are stored in the coingecko_prices table. These tables are a part of the Solver Slippage Database. These prices can be used to convert raw imbalances to ETH.

Install requirements from root directory:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Environment Variables: Make sure the .env file is correctly set up locally. You can use the .env.sample file as reference.

To fetch imbalances for a single transaction hash, run:

python -m src.imbalances_script

To run a daemon for checking imbalances, run the following from the root directory:

python -m src.daemon

To run the basic test in the tests/ folder: using pytest, simply run the command: pytest