The CPSwarm Code Generator is one of the component of the CPSwarm Workbenech and is responsible to translate design-level modelled behaviours into concrete, executable code. The first version of the Code Generator supports the generation of code starting from the formal description of a Finite State Machine using the SCXML standard. This project is currently under active development and not ready for production.
- Documentation: wiki
Packages are built continuously with Bamboo.
The project is a Maven project, based on Java 8. To compile it you need to have:
Within the root of the repository, the project can be easily built using the following Maven commands.
mvn validate
mvn package -DskipTests
These are the parameters to be passed to the software to run
usage: java -jar code-generator.jar
--env <arg> target Runtime Environment (default ROS)
--src <arg> input file path
--target <arg> output folder path
And this is an example of running command
java -jar /home/cpswarm-ws/code-generator-0.0.1-full.jar --env ROS --src /home/cpswarm-ws/models/UAV_sar_FSM.xml --target /home/cpswarm-ws/GeneratedCode
mvn test
Contributions are welcome.
Please fork, make your changes, and submit a pull request. For major changes, please open an issue first and discuss it with the other authors.
This work is supported by the European Commission through the CPSwarm H2020 project under grant no. 731946.