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A Java Program to solve the Unicost Set Covering Problem (USCP) using Ant Colony Algorithms.

The Ant-Colony Algorithm

The following figure shows an overview of our problem solving approach. The process starts with an initial problem, containing list of samples to cover. Each sample can be covered by multiple candidates, and each candidate covers several samples. For a given problem instance, the algorithm produces a final solution containing a list candidates, covering all the samples of the initial problem. Our goal is for this list to be as small as possible.

Ant Colony ALgorithm for Set Covering


In set covering problems, execution time depends largely on the number of candidates in the problem instance. As is common in set covering solvers, we attempt to reduce this number by removing dominated candidates. A candidate dominates another when it covers all of its covered samples. Identifying dominated candidates can take significant time for large problem instances. To reduce time, our dominance analysis implementation uses multiple concurrent threads.

Another common preprocessing step is the inclusion of mandatory candidates in any solution to build. After the dominance analysis phase, some samples might be covered by only one candidate, becoming a mandatory part of every solution. We group all mandatory candidates in a partial solution, that we expand in the solution construction phase.

Solution Construction

There are a plethora of algorithms in the ACO framework. For the solution construction phase, we selected Any System (AS). AS is the very first ACO algorithm, originally proposed to address the Travelling Salesman problem. We are basing our implementation on its adaptation to the set covering problem proposed by Silva and Ramalho.

In AS, n ants in a colony build solutions by randomly selecting candidates during t iterations. The probability of selecting a candidate is a function of their associated pheromone value and heuristic information. Heuristic information is a problem-dependent metric. For set covering problems, is related to the proportion of uncovered samples a potential candidate can cover. The influence of pheromone and heuristic information in the probability values is regulated by the parameters alpha and beta. Once all ants have a solution ready, they deposit pheromone in the candidates conforming their solution. The amount of pheromone depends on the number of candidates (the shorter, the better) and a constant Q. To favour exploration, at the end of an iteration pheromone "evaporates" on all candidates, by a factor rho.

Our original AS implementation had two major problems. First, it did not incorporate local search after solution construction, being local search a key element of successful ACO algorithms. Second, solution construction was slow in large problem instances: in each solution construction step, ants evaluate a large number of candidates and their probabilities. We address these issues by incorporating ideas from Ren et al.. They propose a local search procedure to remove redundant candidates from every ant's solution, where redundancy requires a candidate to not uniquely cover a sample. We also incorporated their single-row oriented method (SROM) as our candidate selection policy. In SROM, ants at each construction step focus on covering a single sample instead of considering the whole uncovered space. Local search and SROM impacted positively in solution quality and execution time.

One of our design goals was to incorporate parallel processing in our ACO approach, to maximise the number of solutions generated per time unit. We adopted a simple strategy that have shown promising results in other optimisation problems: we have r independent ant colonies running in parallel. Each colony produces one solution, and we select the best among them as the output of the solution construction phase.

Solution Improvement

Our extended AS algorithm still struggled with very large problem instances. The solutions produced after exhausting the time budget were selected among very few candidate solutions. This did not guarantee a proper exploration of the solution space. We needed a way to reduce solution construction time, ideally taking advantage of the candidate solutions generated after the solution construction phase.

We found a solution to this problem in Iterated Ants, an ACO-based version of the Iterated Greedy algorithm. After generating an initial candidate solution, it performs the following on every iteration:

  1. Builds a partial solution by removing k elements from the candidate solution
  2. Completes the partial solution using an ACO algorithm and
  3. The complete solution then becomes the new solution to prune. Construction time is reduced since ants have less components to add to an already partially complete solution.

In our adaptation of Iterated Ants, the first solution triggering the algorithm is the one produced by the solution construction phase. For completing partial solutions, we rely on the extended AS algorithm we described before. Candidate removal for transforming a complete solution into a partial one is driven by pheromone: the less pheromone associated with a candidate, the less likely to be part of the new partial solution.

How to use this code

The code uploaded to this GitHub Repository corresponds to a Maven Java Project. As such, it is strongly recommended that you have Maven installed before working with it. This project depends on the Isula Framework. Follow the instructions available in

You can launch this project by executing mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass="setcov.isula.sample.AcoSetCoveringWithIsula" -D exec.args="-f /pathToFolder/problem_data/AC_10_cover.txt" from the project root folder.

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Ant-colony optimisation algorithms for set-covering








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