Experimental peer-to-peer network using Google's gRPC. This is a simple network whose messages are just hello messages from the nodes to other nodes. It relies on hashicorp consul for service discovery of other nodes and for node key/value storage.
You will need to either have consul installed locally or you can pull the docker image so that you can have a consul agent that local nodes can connect to.
It is recommended that you also have Go installed (1.9+)
You will need to build the binary by running the following command:
$ go build -o ./bin/p2p-grpc ./cmd/p2p-grpc
In another terminal tab/window you will need to start consul:
$ consul agent -dev
You can then start the first node:
$ ./bin/p2p-grpc --node-name node-1 --listenaddr --service-discover-addr=
and lets start another:
$ ./bin/p2p-grpc --node-name node-2 --listenaddr --service-discover-addr=
There are currently some small issues that have been encountered with using consul as the key/value storage system for the network. These will be addressed later in the future as I mess around with using consul or perhaps add key-value storage on a node basis.