This project is not maintained anymore and is abandoned. Feel free to fork and make your own changes if needed.
Thanks to everyone for their valuable feedback and contributions.
PHP class for password hashing with multi encryption methods.
Defined by RSA's PKCS #5:
This implementation of PBKDF2 was originally created by
With improvements by
This hashing method is known in PHP as CRYPT_BLOWFISH.
More infos :
This implementation of BCRYPT was originally created by
A random() function is available to generate secure random bytes with 5 methods :
- mcrypt_create_iv
- openssl_random_pseudo_bytes
- GetRandom function from CAPICOM Microsoft class
- /dev/urandom on Unix systems
- Mix of microtime and getmypid functions
There is also a method to encrypt/decrypt data using a symectric encryption string with the blowfish algorithm and an encryption key in CFB mode but please be advised that you should not use this method for truly sensitive data.
composer require crazy-max/cws-crypto
And download the code:
composer install # or update
See tests/test.php
file sample to help you.
hashPassword - Create a password hash.
checkPassword - Check a hash with the password given.
encrypt - Generate a symectric encryption string with the blowfish algorithm and an encryption key in CFB mode.
decrypt - Return the decrypted string generated from the encrypt method.
random - Generate secure random bytes with 5 methods : mcrypt_create_iv, openssl_random_pseudo_bytes, GetRandom() from CAPICOM Microsoft class, /dev/urandom on Unix systems or mt_rand() and getmypid() functions.
setPbkdf2Mode - Set the pbkdf2 mode for hashing/check password.
setBcryptMode - Set the bcrypt mode for hashing/check password. (default)
setEncryptionKey - Set the encryption key for encrypt/decrypt method (max length 56).
getError - Get the last error.
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Thanks again for your support, it is much appreciated! 🙏
for more details.