Stack your tasks - Stasks is a fast and simple solution to organize your daily to-do's.
Important: Windows only!
Important: No initial UI - you start it and it runs completely in the background listening to the shortcuts. Don't get confused!
Why you should use Stask:
- Build for superfast keyboard only use
- System-wide hotkeys to invoke the tool from every window
- Releases focus and gives it back to the window from which Stasks was invoked after interaction is done
Stasks won't interrupt your workflow, it integrates into it.
It is properly tested with Python 2.7
['Shift', 'Alt', '1'] to open interaction, [Escape] for exit
['Shift', 'Alt', '2'] to open interaction, [Escape] for exit, [w] to navigate up, [s] to navigate down
['Shift', 'Alt', '3'] to open interaction, [Escape] for exit, [w] to navigate up, [s] to navigate down, [Enter] for erase task
['Shift', 'Alt', '0'] to close the application
- Install Python 2.7
- Install PyHook
- Install PyWin32
- Checkout the project
- run: python setup.py bdist_wininst
- Install the generated stask-1.0.win32.exe
- run pythonw Application.py