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[Bug] the header component when clicking on an item (e.g. components, sections, examples) when opening the menu with the options (e.g. Presentation Page, All components, Documentation) this menu instead of appearing under the buttons it overlaps and hides the items (ex: components, sections, examples) , different from the behavior that appears on your site #44

[Bug] the header component when clicking on an item (e.g. components, sections, examples) when opening the menu with the options (e.g. Presentation Page, All components, Documentation) this menu instead of appearing under the buttons it overlaps and hides the items (ex: components, sections, examples) , different from the behavior that appears on your site

[Bug] the header component when clicking on an item (e.g. components, sections, examples) when opening the menu with the options (e.g. Presentation Page, All components, Documentation) this menu instead of appearing under the buttons it overlaps and hides the items (ex: components, sections, examples) , different from the behavior that appears on your site #44

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