First you need to plug in your USB crypto token or smartcard reader.
Then run a simple container:
docker run --name opensc --device /dev/bus/usb -d cremuzzi/opensc
Please notice the --device
option. In this example we are are sharing our usb device with the container.
This image runs the pcscd
daemon by default.
for instance, you can dump a list of all the objects on your crypto device:
docker exec opensc pkcs15-tool -D
Please check the OpenSC wiki for further information on the tools provided by OpenSC.
This image comes with the libp11 engine for openssl. This allows you to use openssl with your crypto device.
For instance, you can create a CSR with your crypto device in two steps.
docker run --rm -v YOUR-HOST-PATH:/myssl --device /dev/bus/usb --name opensc -d cremuzzi/opensc
is a path on your host file system that contains an openssl config file (ex. my.conf). The config file must contain at least the following lines at the top:
openssl_conf = openssl_init
engines = engine_section
pkcs11 = pkcs11_section
engine_id = pkcs11
dynamic_path = /usr/lib/engines/
MODULE_PATH = /usr/lib/pkcs11/
init = 0
docker exec -i -t opensc openssl req -engine pkcs11 -keyform engine -key "pkcs11:object=MY-PRIVATE-KEY-ID;type=private;" -new -config /myssl/my.conf -out /myssl/request.csr
where MY-PRIVATE-KEY-ID is the id of the private key stored on the crypto device.
You can find more information on OpenSSL with pkcs11 visiting