mac-attrs combines the functionality of macaddress and random-mac into a web app that evaluates the attributes of media access control (MAC) addresses.
mac-attrs is available on GitHub at
If you do not have pip version 18.1 or higher, then run the following command from your shell.
[user@host ~]$ sudo pip install --upgrade pip
To install mac-attrs with test-related dependencies, run the following command from your shell.
[user@host ~]$ sudo pip install --editable git+[test]
To install it without test-related dependencies, run the following command from your shell.
[user@host ~]$ sudo pip install git+
(If necessary, replace pip
with pip3
Before starting mac-attrs for the first time, run the following commands from your shell.
[user@host mac-attrs]$ chmod +x ./
[user@host mac-attrs]$ ./
To start mac-attrs, run the following command from your shell.
[user@host mac-attrs]$ gunicorn --bind= --workers=2 "mac_attrs:make_app()"
Using mac-attrs is easy!
First, point your browser to any of the following URLs.
Second, type a MAC address.
Third, click on the submit
Fourth, view the results.
To conduct testing, run the following command from your shell.
[user@host mac-attrs]$ pytest --disable-warnings --cov --cov-report=term-missing
If pytest raises an INTERNALERROR
, then run the following command from your shell.
[user@host mac-attrs]$ sudo $(which pytest) --disable-warnings --cov --cov-report=term-missing