SPACE INVADERS was my first (solo) project completed on General Assembly's Software Engineering Immersive, and was my first attempt at using JavaScript.
I hugely enjoyed the creativity involved in this project and, once I figured out the logic, had a good time tinkering around with the design and sound effects.
For the uninitiated, SPACE INVADERS is a classic 80s arcade game requiring the player (spaceship) to shoot down the invading aliens to score points before they reach the bottom of the screen.
Please enjoy on GitHub Pages here.
- Press the START button.
- Move the spaceship LEFT (<-) and RIGHT (->) using the arrow keys.
- Hit SPACEBAR to shoot.
Build a grid-based game that can render in the browser using HTML, CSS, & vanilla JavaScript in one week.
- CSS3
- JavaScript (ES6)
- Git/GitHub
- Google Fonts
- Paint
I wanted to pay homage to the original game and use the Japanese title, pixelated game icons, and original soundtrack.
Later, I added the flickering neon border; animations on the title, button, and signature; alien GIFs; fun sound effects.
In order to break down the project I used the following questions:
What HTML and CSS classes will you need to display your game?
What data types will you need to represent your game state in javascript? What Arrays, objects, numbers etc.?
What DOM elements will you need to select in javascript?
What's the MVP (minimum viable product) of my game?
What are the discrete pieces of functionality my MVP will need to have, piece by piece?
For each piece, what loops/conditions/functions/intervals will I need to handle that piece? How does my game state change to make this work? How will the DOM need to change?
How do I make this more simple?
What challenges will I run into? How do I handle those?
In order to ensure I had a working product by the deadline, I decided to have my MVP ready by the end of day 3. This would be the bare bones of the game:
- A container with grids for game components
- Moving and shooting player spaceship
- Aliens that explode on impact with laser & move toward the bottom of the screen
- Points board
- Lives board
- Gameover
- Styling
- Aliens drop bombs at random intervals
- Animations
- Sound effects
- Styling flourishes (aliens in heart formation, Japanese title etc)
- Levels
- Pseudocode MVP
- Create grid using a for loop & flexbox:
// Create 225 cells
for (let i = 0; i < width ** 2; i++) {
// create my cell
const div = document.createElement('div')
// add class of cell
// appended cell to page
- Render player
- Define aliens
- Player movement and laser logic:
function shootLaser() {
let laserPosition = playerPosition
const laserID = setInterval(() => {
cells.forEach(cell => cell.classList.remove('laser'))
// remove laser at end of grid
if (laserPosition < width) {
// move laser up the grid
laserPosition -= width
// if laser hits alien...
aliens.forEach(alien => {
if (alien === laserPosition) {
setTimeout(() => {
}, 500)
aliens.splice(aliens.indexOf(alien), 1)
points += 5
pointsDisplay.innerHTML = points
}, 100)
Alien movement logic:
function moveAliens() {
const aliensID = setInterval(() => {
// if going right :
if (alienDirection === 'right') {
// if you hit the right border...
if (aliens.some(alien => alien % width === width - 1)) {
for (let i = 0; i < aliens.length; i++) {
// go down a row...
aliens[i] += width
// ...then go left
alienDirection = 'left'
} else {
// loop over array adding one to move aliens right
for (let i = 0; i < aliens.length; i++) {
aliens[i] += 1
// add aliens
for (let i = 0; i < aliens.length; i++) {
} else if (alienDirection === 'left') {
if (aliens.some(alien => alien % width === 0)) {
for (let i = 0; i < aliens.length; i++) {
aliens[i] += width
// then go right
alienDirection = 'right'
} else {
// loop over array adding one to go left
for (let i = 0; i < aliens.length; i++) {
aliens[i] -= 1
for (let i = 0; i < aliens.length; i++) {
- Points board
- Styling
- Animate exploding aliens
- Endgame function
- Debugging
- Debugging
- Sound effects
- Animated Silken Tofu signature
- Styling - overall pretty chuffed with the look and feel of the game.
- Got my MVP !
- Functionality is pretty smooth - managed to iron out most of the bugs with the shooting and exploding aliens.
Note: Fixed these bugs post-course 💁🏻♀️
- Sometimes the game gets stuck after gameover and doesn't refresh.
- Sometimes the game doesn't end even when you've lost all your lives !
- Alien movement logic - defining the borders and rendering the aliens was a little complicated. I should have liked to refactor this code time permitting.
- Random bomb drops - using setInterval and setTimeout to choose a random time AND a random alien to assign the bomb.
- SCOPE - learned first hand about local and globally accessible functions.
- Got to grips with for loops and other array methods that had been intimidating up to this point !
- Cover page before you start the game.
- Alerts for 'Gameover' & 'You win' as styled pop outs.
- LEVELS that increase in difficulty with different aliens.
- Sound OFF button.
- PAUSE game button.
- 'About' popup.
- Mobile responsive !