In order to run this application you will need to set three environment variables:
- CONNECTION_STRING the database connection string
- MAIL_USERNAME email username
- MAIL_PASSWORD email password
- ENV_SETTINGS Settings to be used when running the application. Values: Development, Production
- TEST_EMAIL Email to use when testing the application
The API consist of 4 endpoints
/register Register a new user to the system. The user data is a json that contains 3 values:
- username
- password
- /confirm/+activationlink Activate the user in the database.
/login Login a user to the system. The user data is a json that contains 2 values:
- username
- password
- /generatekey Generate an api key, requires authentification.
/update Update the user password, required athentification. The user data is a json that contains 2 values:
- oldpassword
- newpassword