Ping Explorer is a light explorer for Cosmos-based Blockchains. .
Ping Explorer is designed to explore blockchain data as real as possible, therefore there is no cache, no pre-processing. Ping Explorer does not cache/save blockchain data on its server. Ping Explorer only fetch data from Cosmos full node via LCD/RPC endpoints. We call it "Light Explorer".
Pull your request here, We will add your chains as soon as possible. It is FREE (You must have 10+ independent validators on your chain).
We have two considerations:
- Trust, In decentralize system, everything controlled by one single team/organization could be risks. So we decided to co-build with the community.
- Limited Resources:
Ping Dashboard
will list hundreds cosmos-based blockchains in the future, it's impossible for our team to run validators or fullnodes for all of those chains.
Your donation will help us make better products. Thanks in advance.
- Address for ERC20: USDC, USDT, ETH
- You can donate any token in the Cosmos ecosystem: here
If you are an individual please do not donate more than $10, a cup of coffee means a lot to us.
- Point Network: 1000USDC and $1000 worth of POINT
- Bitsong: 50k BTSG
- IRISnet: 100k IRIS
You can hire us by submiting an issue and fund the issue on IssueHunter
Developers: @liangping @dingyiming