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Vinicius dos Santos edited this page Jun 15, 2022 · 3 revisions

Welcome to SEKNOW

(Software Engineering KNOWledge management diagnosis)

KM is essential for companies to improve the usage/sharing of intellectual resources and KM principles are determining and effective factors for the software product quality. In this context, this repository presents a tool that supports the process of KM diagnosis named Software Engineering KNOWledge management (SEKNOW), a tool for software diagnosis that was built to support Knowledge Management (KM) diagnostic on software companies.

On this page, we present a roadmap of features that were already been implemented and those that need more attention. In addition, we present suggestions of software improvements that could be beneficial for the success of this project.

Table of requirements

ID Requirement description Classification Status
1 Manager profiles must be able to send invitations to other employees to use the tool. System feature Ok
2 Users must be able to register in SEKNOW (after invitation) and automatically be connected to software company. System feature Ok
3 Managers should be able to initiate, cancel or terminate a diagnostics. System feature Ok
4 Active users should be able to answer the diagnostics until the deadline defined by the manager. System feature Ok
5 SEKNOW must calculate the score of each employee after the diagnostic is answered. System feature Ok
6 Users should be able to access a full report with their own answers which must show an overview including the calculated diagnostics score. System feature Ok
7 Managers should be able to access reports based on different filters (e.g., role, working period, and employee’s experience). System feature Ok
8 SEKNOW should allow users with a research profile which includes: access to compare diagnostics results of all companies, filters per company, software development process model, career, period, and employee experience time. System feature Ok
9 SEKNOW must provide a complete list of diagnostics (validated in literature) to be used by managers Feature Miss
10 Research profiles should NOT be able to access employee names and company names. Security Ok
11 Sensitive data must be encrypted to preserve the data confidentiality in SEKNOW database Security Miss
12 Access to back-end should be secure with OAuth2.0 autentication Security MIss
13 Implement defense against cyber attacks (e.g., ddos protection, SQL injection, firewall, etc) Security Miss
14 Improvement of UX/UI and software accessibility Usability Miss
15 Front-end application should be responsible (for computers and mobile devices) Usability Miss
16 SEKNOW front-end can/should be implemented using different technologies to facilitate the deploy(Javascript, PHP, etc.) Deploy Miss
17 SEKNOW deployment should be automatically linked to github repository Deploy Miss
18 Invitations should be sent using SEKNOW mail service (included in host service) Deploy Miss
19 Software documentation should be improved making available all assets for development/maintenance Documentation Miss
20 Open source repository should be organized (e.g., open issues, milestones, folder structures) Documentation Miss
21 Old versions of Software should be correctly archived Organization Miss
22 Repository should be moved to institutional repository Organization Miss
23 Unit tests/integration tests and others that could be considered appropriate should be defined. Quality Miss
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