An interactive FORTH calculator implemented in JavaScript.
Adapted from
Part 7 and 8 of lab 7E are in the file named lab_7E_reflections.MD. Part 13 of the final is in the file named final_project_reflections.MD.
My additions for part 12 of the final project were:
- a row of buttons for the predefined functions
- the ability to delete user-defined functions using "del" which also deletes the associated button
- the ability to see all available commands by typing "h"
- colored terminal outputs for errors and "h"
Once you have launched index.html. You can begin entering commands in the terminal. You have the option to enter commands line by line:
or by entering all the commands in one line:
1 2 +
We can also define our own functions using the following format:
: [function name] <function body> ;
For example I define the function double:
: double 2 * ;
If I wanted to delete double I would type:
del double